Who is the husband of Paola Rey from MasterChef Celebrity? – Publimetro Colombia

Who is the husband of Paola Rey from MasterChef Celebrity? – Publimetro Colombia
Who is the husband of Paola Rey from MasterChef Celebrity? – Publimetro Colombia

‘MasterChef Celebrity’ arrives to Colombian nights with its sixth season and with a group of 21 celebrities prepared to bring out their gastronomic skills in order to advance and why not win the biggest prize within the ‘reality’ of RCN Television and under the direction by Jorge Rausch, Nicolás de Zubiría and Adria Marina. Although the path they are going to Traveling is not easy at all, the truth is that there is no turning back. Although there have been few chapters revealed, the one who obtained the first pin was Paola Rey and this is her husband, a renowned actor.

Who is Paola Rey’s husband from ‘MasterChef Celebrity’?

Paola Rey became the new contestant of ‘MasterChef Celebrity’, putting aside her role as an actress to show her skills in the kitchen. Although it has not been an easy task, Rey highlighted that discipline will be his greatest quality in this new venture, where of course, he has been receiving the support of her family, her husband, with whom she has been married for 15 years, the actor Juan Carlos Vargas, who is remembered for his participation in various soap operas such as ‘El Capo’, ‘La ley del corazón’, ‘Garzón Vive’, among others .

Currently, Vargas is dedicated to plays and also from his role as director due to the extensive experience he has and that over time has been transformed into other roles.

How many children does Paola Rey from ‘MasterChef Celebrity’ have?

Paola Rey has two children with her husband, Juan Carlos Vargas Oliver and Leo, who would be between the ages of 11 and 6, in addition to being the highest priority for them regardless of the various occupations that both of them may have, since it would no longer be among their plans to continue expanding the family.

What happened to Paola Rey from ‘MasterChef Celebrity’?

Paola Rey from ‘MasterChef Celebrity’ was involved in a controversy with her husband, Juan Carlos Vargas, because a man reported through social networks that the family had neglected their pet, which would present several problems due to its advanced age. the one they tell, so much so that the canine spent more than 24 hours outside the house and apparently, no one realized what happened. Days later, the actor couple came out to defend themselves, reiterating that he is one of the most important members of their life.

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