Unpublished photos of Furia came to light before entering Big Brother

Unpublished photos of Furia came to light before entering Big Brother
Unpublished photos of Furia came to light before entering Big Brother


On Monday, June 17, a new elimination gala was held in Big Brother (Telefe), in which the public had to decide which participant would leave the house. Although these galas are usually held on Sundays, they were postponed to Monday due to the long weekend and the awards ceremony. Martín Fierro from Radio. However, after the preliminary results, the competition remained head-to-head between Martín Ku and Furia, and the final decision was postponed until the next day. Finally, on Tuesday after midnight, Juliana “Furia” Scaglione was eliminated from the most famous house.

Unpublished photos of Juliana came to light before entering Big Brother: with long blonde hair(Source: Telefe/Video Capture)

This event led social networks to divide into two: celebration and sadness. However, one of the issues that drew the most attention was the coming to light of old photos of the stuntwoman. The main characteristic of these images is that Ragepreviously, He had long blonde hair. These are the most striking photos of the ex-sister.

Unpublished photos of Juliana came to light before entering Big Brother: with long blonde hair

Unpublished photos of Juliana came to light before entering Big Brother: with long blonde hair

Unpublished photos of Juliana came to light before entering Big Brother: with long blonde hair

Unpublished photos of Juliana came to light before entering Big Brother: with long blonde hair

There are fewer and fewer participants and The grand finale is approaching, where the winner will be determined next July 7th. Among the contestants still competing for the top prize, only two were not nominated at the start of Monday’s intense gala: Nicolás and Dario, the leader of the week.

Furia, hugging Santiago del Moro, after leaving the house

It is important to remember that last week’s nomination was different, since in addition to the players, the family members who entered the house also voted. Furthermore, Furia, being sanctioned, was always part of the nominees until her elimination from the reality.

As a leader, Dario was the one who made the final move, removing Nicolás and nominating Bautista, leaving the list of nominees composed of Fury, Martín, Emmanuel and Bautista. However, Emmanuel and Bautista were the first to breathe a sigh of relief on Monday the 17th, when Santiago del Moro announced that they were the ones who had received the fewest votes from the public.

Furia tried to “fail” the group of Los Bro before leaving the house and insulted them: “They are shit”(Source: Telefe/Video Capture)

In this context, the only woman in the house and the Chinese They had to wait 24 more hours to find out which of the two would abandon the competition and their dream of becoming champion. Finally, with the 62.4% of the votes, Fury was eliminated from the game. For his part, Martín received 36.7% of the votes.


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