Martín Ku reveals who his candidate is to win Big Brother, and says that no one has a guaranteed place

Martín Ku reveals who his candidate is to win Big Brother, and says that no one has a guaranteed place
Martín Ku reveals who his candidate is to win Big Brother, and says that no one has a guaranteed place

The union was strength, but it was not enough. The second setback led to the final stages of Big Brotherafter the surprising elimination of “Rage” Scaglione eliminated another participant who was on the point as a candidate: Martin Ku (The Chinese).

The same one who until a week ago won the medal in that epic versus with the most controversial little sister – which left him in competition with 62 percent of the votes – until this Sunday, when he lost the streak against one of his allies ” Bro”, Nicolás Grosman, for 59.3 percent.

Martín, in the Big Brother debate. Capture TV.

Penultimate eliminated, he did not have nearly the tribune excitement of his recent rival on the brand new Telefe catwalk, but his departure will also be remembered. The thing is that the boy from Viedma and skilled strategist, with more leader tests won in the world history of reality, entered alone but left accompanied.

“Re-happy to have gone out with Arturo, it was a joy,” he tells Clarionabout the rescued mixed-breed greyhound, who “adopted” him as an owner from the first day of his stay on the reality show.

-Was there a different protocol? How was the operation once outside with Arturo?

-No, the only difference was that when I left they separated me from Arturo and left him with the veterinarian. G.H. He is very trustworthy and they get along very well. I have to wait a few days to see it.

Farewell to the leader of the Bro

Double farewell for a game that, without the natural leader of the Bro (Group of four participants, originally commanded by Lisandro “Licha” Navarro) left an increasingly silent house.

Martín Ku, from Big Brother. Capture TV.

-Was the house ironed?

-I didn’t see much, but obviously being less there are fewer conversations and interactions. Happens at any Big Brother.

-With your departure, a phrase that characterized this edition seems to have taken on even more strength: The game changes minute by minute.

-No one has the place secured and nothing is written.

-You led the strongest team in the game. Isn’t losing a tackle against another “Bro” losing?

-Losing against another “Bro” is not losing. But hey, leaving the house is. To win in life, you have to know how to lose.

-And the competitive Martín?

-I took it very calmly because I always imagine the scenario of defeat on difficult stages. That’s how it is in the world of sports and competition. I do Olympic lifting and at the time I competed. You have to know how to lose and when it’s time, it’s time.

-In the last confessional you said that, among your friends, you preferred to go. Your detractors say it was lukewarm.

-What they will say, I don’t give a damn, haha. In my game I followed my beliefs, values ​​and with that I die.

Full media tour

On a media tour, the talk with Martín – who barely slept for an hour “due to the euphoria of being outside” – takes place in a moving car. “It has completely changed my life,” he says.

Martín Ku, already out of Big Brother.

-Are you saying that because now you have your own house and a dog? (Among other prizes he won, like a Playstation) Do you consider yourself a lucky guy?

-It was a combination of effort, discipline and luck. Because everything comes hand in hand.

-What reading do you make of your output? Was it the rematch of Fury and the Furious (the largest and most organized fandom of all editions) that cost you their exit?

– Obviously they wanted to shoot me and here I am.

-Did the entrance of Marisol, your girlfriend, also cost you dearly?

-No, they try to get me dirty and they have to use Marisol. I watched my own video (when he faced “Furia” to defend his girlfriend) and at all times I was aware of how I reacted to defend the one I love.

-In a gym, almost 5 years ago. We did the same routines and started talking. Before entering the house I taught classes in my own gym, in Balvanera.

-Was it a shock for your oriental parents (from China and Taiwan) to see you on a reality show? Are they very conservative?

-Not my old woman, my old man a little. He didn’t know what it was Big Brother, I thought it was a movie. The last thing he said to me was: “Make sure they don’t screw you up,” haha. And my mother, who I thought was not going to understand anything, she understood everything. She even told me that at first she was “Furious”, haha.

Your candidate

Another little brother with the destiny of a finalist who did not go and who, in decisive instances, said goodbye to a house on the way to an indecipherable final.

Big Brother 2024: the four finalists.

-The union was strength, but it was not enough.

-Unity is always strength and that’s how we get where we get. I wouldn’t change anything about the game.

-Who is your candidate?

-Bautista and Nicolás. But from the little I saw, Bautista has a better chance.

-But yesterday it was sent to the plate.

-It is our criterion to pass the plates together from the beginning. It was a message that he gave to Nico so that he would not win the test and go to the plate together.

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