The viral video of Virginia Demo’s hot dance from Big Brother in the play Sex

The viral video of Virginia Demo’s hot dance from Big Brother in the play Sex
The viral video of Virginia Demo’s hot dance from Big Brother in the play Sex

The images that one’s own Virginia shared from his Instagram account they quickly went viral. She also went to see the play with some of her former classmates. G.H. as Florence Regidor and Catalina Gorostidi.

Virginia She was eliminated from the reality show several weeks ago and is fully enjoying her new life as a celebrity. “There was a joke with the genius of Muscari,” reflected the former participant of the reality show on the networks when she chatted with the playwright.

In the middle of the tour of the different television programs after his experience in the famous house, Demo takes the opportunity to have fun and watched one of the performances of the successful piece of Muscari which is presented in the Gorriti Ar Center of Palermo.

Look how he had it Virginia on his visit to the work Sex.

virginia demo sex muscari.jpg

Virginia from Big Brother eliminated Florencia Cabrera in the midst of the controversy with Florencia Regidor

The former participant of Big Brother, Telefe, Florencia Cabrera, sparked a controversy in the last few hours when in a conversation with the family of Nicolas Grosmansowed discord about his relationship with Florence Regidor.

This generated a lot of comments on social media and was Virginia Demo who jumped to her friend’s defense and struck down Cabrera with his analysis of what was happening.

“I greet her and everything is fine, but I see these things and Flor is obviously looking for a space somewhere and chooses to be unpleasant,” Virginia commented on the streaming program All Access (Telefe).

“She was again mistreated by many inside the house, including Furia, and today Flor chooses the dresser, she must be afraid, she must be facing Furia. The only thing she manages to do is position herself in the wrong position,” he assured.

Then his statements became sharper and he concluded: “I don’t understand these people who seek to be in the media to confront and say things that don’t matter. They want to be spicy, mean, and the only thing they achieve is to be more and more pathetic.”

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