‘The Acolyte’ 1×05 reveals who the new Star Wars Sith is

The fifth episode of The Acolyte has finally seen the light. And in it, the series of Star Wars has answered the great mystery that fans have been trying to figure out for weeks. From the first episode the existence of a “master” villain was confirmed, whom mae served. An antagonist who seemed to be a Sith and who, like Darth Vader and so many others, hid his true identity under a mask.

Now, the announced Jedi slaughter has finally arrived. The chapter begins with this villain facing numerous warriors of the Light Side of the Force and killing them all without mercy. At a given moment, the duel ends up reaching the Master Sun“Who are you?” the character asks. Lee Jung-jae. “Don’t you remember me?”, responds the fearsome dark Lord, confirming that he is a character already known from The Acolyte. “I sense something familiar,” Sol acknowledges before the villain launches a new attack.

Later, this antagonist reveals that he does not want to remove his helmet so that his identity remains safe and to prevent his mind from being read so easily. However, an unleashed Jecki He launches a brutal attack using both his lightsaber and that of the deceased. Kelnacca. Upon doing so, the helmet falls shattered to the ground, although the Padawan is brutally murdered.

The shocking scene leaves completely destroyed Sun, who has not been able to prevent the death of his apprentice. But when the body fell Jecki down, The Acolyte reveals the face of his antagonist once and for all. And, as many fans predicted, it is about Quimirwho until now had been the accomplice of mae on their mission to take down the four Jedi Masters.

The Acolyte is the new Star Wars series

A former padawan He reunites with his Jedi Master to investigate a series of crimes, but discovers that the forces they face are more sinister than they ever anticipated.

Is Quimir a Sith in The Acolyte?

By showing your true identity, Quimir surprises to Sun and distracts him with his cape to attack mae, who had betrayed him in the previous chapter. “You really didn’t know it was me? You didn’t even suspect it?” he asks her angrily as he grabs her by the neck. Sol counterattacks to try to save her, although the villain fights back. “What are you?” the Jedi master finally asks. He the question that all fans of The Acolyte They have been doing it since the beginning.

“I have no name. But Jedi, as you would call me… Sith,” he explains. Quimir. An explanation that, in reality, still leaves doubt open The Acolyte about its true nature. And his words can be understood as saying that he does not consider himself a true Sith. He doesn’t even have a Dark Side Lord name (although the public has already sympathetically nicknamed him Darth Smiles). There is no doubt that he is a user of the Dark Side of the Force, but it is unclear what his true connection to the Sith is. The same thing that happened to him, for example, with Assajj Ventressacolyte of Count Dooku who never became a Sith.

The AcolyteThe Acolyte

On the other hand, perhaps Quimir it really is. In that case we still have to find out if it is one of the known Sith or if it is a new name to add to the Order. In fact, there are also those who have considered that he is not actually a Sith master, but rather an apprentice. And in the chapter he confesses that he needs “an acolyte.” He does it when Sun He asks her what she wants.

“To be free to use my power as I please. Without having to answer to Jedi like you. I wanted a disciple. An acolyte. But she didn’t keep the deal. She exposed me. So now I have no choice but to kill you all.” “I don’t make the rules. The Jedi do. ​​And the Jedi say I can’t exist, they must die.” According to the Rule of Two, it is the apprentices of the Sith who seek a dark acolyte so that, once they have proven themselves worthy and fully formed, they can become Masters.

If true, the villain The Acolyte he would have a teacher behind him. He may be one of the pre-existing Sith in canon, such as Darth Plagueis the Wise either Darth Tenebrous. Also, again, it could be something new and unknown until now. At the moment, the series has not given a definitive answer so fans will have to continue theorizing while waiting to see how the story ends. Because there is still a lot to see. And surely there will be no survivors in Khofar who can tell the Jedi Order that the Sith are alive.

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The sixth episode of The Acolyte It will premiere on Disney+ on Wednesday, July 3 in Spain, the night of Tuesday, July 2 in Latin America.

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