Channel 13 bets big: The new live program by Pamela Díaz and Ignacio Gutiérrez

Channel 13 bets big: The new live program by Pamela Díaz and Ignacio Gutiérrez
Channel 13 bets big: The new live program by Pamela Díaz and Ignacio Gutiérrez

Channel 13 has surprised its audience with an exciting announcement. The renowned “Fiera” Pamela Díaz and the charismatic Ignacio Gutiérrez will join forces to lead a new live program.

The channel revealed the news through its social networks, generating great expectations. Ingenious spot shows drivers exchanging funny WhatsApp messagesgiving a preview of the fresh and dynamic tone that will characterize the program.

In the video, Gutiérrez warns Díaz about keeping the secret. “Pame, are you there? Hey, if they call you about the new program, don’t even say anything.”says the journalist. The Fiera’s response is immediate, reaffirming his discretion with characteristic humor.

Although details about the name and premiere date are still a mystery, Channel 13 has confirmed that the program will be “totally live and direct.”. This commitment to immediacy promises to offer fresh and exciting content.

The combination of Pamela Díaz and Ignacio Gutiérrez is strategic. Both are figures loved by the public, known for their charisma and spontaneity.. Their on-screen chemistry will undoubtedly be a key factor in the show’s success.

This new project marks the return of Pamela Díaz to Channel 13where he shined in previous programs.

For his part, Gutiérrez brings his vast experience in driving and journalism, promising a perfect balance between entertainment and information.

Channel 13 is betting big with this new proposal. “The afternoons are going to change forever”, they promise in their statement. With two top-notch hosts and a live format, the channel is positioned to compete strongly in the evening hours.

Here you can review the spot that Channel 13 shared

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