Matthew Perry: Investigation implicates multiple people in Friends actor’s death

A police source informed People that the investigation into Matthew Perry’s ketamine death is “almost concluded” and “several people” may be charged. The final decision on whether to file charges rests with the United States Attorney’s Office, according to the same source. The media tried to obtain more details from said institution, but did not receive a response.

The actor, known for his role in the series Friends, died on October 28, at 54 years old. His death was ruled accidental. The autopsy report revealed that the cause was acute effects of ketamine, with other contributing factors including drowning, coronary artery disease and effects of buprenorphine, a medication used to treat opioid use disorder.

Where did the ketamine that caused Perry’s death come from?

In December, a Los Angeles County medical examiner closed his investigation into Perry’s death. However, in May, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) launched an investigation into the circumstances of his overdose, based on the medical examiner’s report.

An LAPD source indicated that the department has been collaborating with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and U.S. postal inspectors to determine the origin of the ketamine that caused the death of Matthew Perry.

At the time of his death, the actor was receiving ketamine infusion therapy, according to his autopsy. A year before his death, the actor had addressed his struggle with addiction in his autobiography, Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing.

“I wanted to share my story when I was safe from going back to the dark side again,” Perry told People in an interview in 2022. “I had to wait until I was pretty sure I was sober and away from the active disease of alcoholism and addiction to write it all down. I was pretty sure it would help people if I did.”

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Matthew Perry’s ex-girlfriend calls for investigation into doctors who treated the actor Friends

Kaity Edward, ex-girlfriend of Matthew Perrywho revealed that the actor once sent her to buy drugs while she was pregnant, requested that the doctors who treated her ex-partner for her depression also be investigated since, according to her, the actor was not a person who buys ketamine anywhere.

“I’m pretty sure that, for Matthew“, ketamine infusions in a doctor’s office counted as staying sober,” Edwards told international media, reaffirming that the former member of Friends had relapsed into his drug addiction weeks before he died.

Knowing her ex-boyfriend’s habits, Kait assured that Matthew He was not healthy before the accident happened. “I could see it from afar, he didn’t seem well for the last two weeks of his life. The sober people who knew him had never been around him when he was using, so they didn’t know the signs,” she said.

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