VIDEO: Martín and Lisandro let go of Nicolás’ hand in the final stretch of Big Brother and the scandal broke out

VIDEO: Martín and Lisandro let go of Nicolás’ hand in the final stretch of Big Brother and the scandal broke out
VIDEO: Martín and Lisandro let go of Nicolás’ hand in the final stretch of Big Brother and the scandal broke out

This afternoon, the former little brothers Lisandro Navarro (better known as “Licha”) and Martín Kuwere present in the live streaming of Nacho Castañares. In a moment, Both questioned the decision made by the first finalist of the most famous house in the countryNicolás Grosman, and they decided to let go of his hand just a few days before the incredible final of Big Brother.

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What Lisandro and Martín said about the attitude that Nicolás had after going to the final of Big Brother

What do you think of what Nico did yesterday?“, Nacho Castañares began by asking. “Let’s see, obviously we know that it is a game and it is an instance that everyone has to fight for the final, but with one hand on the heart, one bro doesn’t abandon another bro“, replied Lisandro Navarro.

For his part, Chinese Martin Ku responded: “A bro doesn’t abandon another bro”“It’s not bad because he’s in the final, but he could have been in the final with Bauti. Or at least take the risk like he did (Bautista Mascia),” concluded Nacho Castañares.

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What were the reactions of Big Brother fans to the questioning of Lisandro and Martín from Big Brother?

Karma is called guys“They always ruled Nico out of the final,” wrote one user. “What did they expect from him giving up his place in the final? Even Bauti was happy for him.” It’s a shame that they didn’t, when Nicolás always accompanied them and was there for them inside that house.”said another user.

“They know the hate that Nico has outside and instead of congratulating him because at least he reached the final, they throw out that comment. If a bro doesn’t quit, but if he didn’t quit, Nico would leave. He doesn’t care who doesn’t care“, commented another Big Brother fan.

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