He is from Siberia and SHOCKED everyone by telling why he loves living in Argentina so much

He is from Siberia and SHOCKED everyone by telling why he loves living in Argentina so much
He is from Siberia and SHOCKED everyone by telling why he loves living in Argentina so much

A young woman from Siberia moved everyone by telling why she likes living in Argentina so much. Alina is a digital nomad who emigrated to our country in search of new opportunities and in her social networks Show your experiences.

The video was posted under the user @alina_leeee on the platform TikTok. The first thing he highlighted is that the best meat in the world is here. “It makes people from other countries envy me”, he commented.

“It makes people from other countries envy me.” (Video: TikTok/@alina_leeee)

Read also: A young woman told on the networks the things that are normal in Argentina, but that in the US are for the rich

Besides, highlighted the joy with which Argentines live. “It makes life in my homeland seem sad,” she added. Also, he talked about alcoholic beverages and the great variety of wines that are made in our territory.

Then he mentioned that the kindness of the people in our country is unmatched. “Always willing to help you with everything, so much so that I forgot to do things for myself,” she explained. To finish, the young woman said that in our country people are soccer fans.

“Always willing to help you with everything, so much so that I forgot to do things for myself.” (Photo: TikTok/@alina_leeee)

Read also: She is Argentine, visited Mexico and showed how much she spent to buy vegetables in a market

Alina was surprised to see how the Argentines celebrated the World Cup that the team won by making the streets more colorful and flooding them with complete happiness. The publication had thousands of views and likes.

Furthermore, people left their opinion on the comments. “All people like you who value our friendship will always be welcome,” wrote one user. “I love you, Siberian girl,” another responded.

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