After the F-16 – These are the urgent reequipment requirements of the Argentine Armed Forces

After a long odyssey of evaluations and considerations by previous governments, Argentina made historic progress with the purchase of 24 F-16A/B MLU from Denmark for the Air Force. And we are not only talking about the purchase of supersonic fighters, but, for the first time in decades, we can highlight the incorporation of a weapons system: with its complementary equipment, elements, material, support, weapons, and a long etcetera. However, although the agenda is “monopolized” In a certain way, the Argentine Army and the Argentine Navy have particular requirements that range from lower costs than the purchase of the F-16, or, in some cases, even higher. It is important to mention that, despite the recent progress with the Argentine Air Force, it must be sustained for the Armed Forces in general.

Argentine Army – Triad of intentions and a future evaluation

VCBR M1126 Stryker. Credits: Sgt. Jerod Hathaway

When thinking about the requirements of the Argentine Army, the Wheeled Armored Combat Vehicle (VCBR) is the first in a list of three candidates for future incorporations. Although the Ministry of Defense indicates certain progress with the proposal by Stryker in different variants, such as the M1126 infantry transport, VCI M1296 Dragoon, M1134 anti-tank, VCTM M1129 (120mm mortar), VCPC M1130, M1133 evacuation medical and the M1132 for engineers; Recent offers from other countries were also incorporated. One of them is the LAV III through a proposal from the Canadian Commercial Corporation. However, until now the contract that has been formulated only contemplates a low number of units, seeking to advance later with the final number that the Army needs. The fear of the latter is that the Force will not end up satisfying its operational needs with the incorporations, ending up with simply a dozen units. It should be noted that the incorporation of VCBR implies a lower cost compared to recent acquisitions.

On the other hand, as a second point we are again faced with the TAM 2C-A2 Modernization Program that, although the last defense management was able to advance with some main points, it has not shown significant progress since the change in management. History that has been repeated since recent years. Will the same happen with the incorporation of medium helicopters? Another question that has been formulated and reformulated since the latest efforts in Defense. Although various candidates and alternatives have been disseminated in this regard, the push and support from the Ministry of Defense is still needed to make a decision – or official consideration – so that Argentina once again has modern rotary wing means.

Finally, another point to consider are the new self-propelled artillery systems, whether wheeled or tracked. It is important to highlight, for example, that Brazil continues to advance with incorporations of both categories, involving, for example, the ATMOS of Israeli origin, which Argentina also views very favorably; but there is no push from the Ministry of Defense, for now, for its acquisition.

Argentina Army

If we focus on the 4 ocean patrol vessels acquired from France, we can detail that beyond allocating resources to the control of maritime jurisdictions, there were no investments of a similar caliber for other areas that would allow the capabilities of the Argentine Navy to be recomposed. Although it is the Force that, in economic terms, is one of the most expensive in terms of the incorporation of material, it is necessary to emphasize that it currently has a surface fleet that is more than 40 years old. The main objective is to comply with the maritime projection: although the previous management sought to incorporate the LST vessels of the Damen line, through local construction options, it does not meet the requirements of the Navy, being only capable of transporting a small number of vehicles and troops, and has a low displacement. An option that is being considered as an opportunity is the acquisition of larger amphibious assault ships that will be decommissioned by the Italian Navy soon, as well as carrying out combined training with this force.

Is it really necessary to continue depending on foreign offers for training our fleet, without incorporating new material or weapons systems? Another point to consider may be the replacement or modernization of surface ships, which, although they are high investments, are necessary for the Argentine Navy. Another option is the incorporation of second-hand systems, or the investment in multipurpose ships and air defense systems.

Another question is: What will happen to the submarines? It is currently the most expensive project and would take more than one administration. Due to cost issues, the incorporation of new systems is a discussion that could last for another long years until the final decision is made. However, the current administration could move forward with the acquisition of a second-hand submarine, without the need for it to be 100% new. To do this, we need political connection with the countries that previously offered their options to Argentina.

*In future installments we will address the items and projects indicated in greater depth.

*Photographs used for illustration.

It may interest you: The ARA La Argentina destroyer joined forces with the Tonnerre helicopter carrier and the Guépratte frigate of the French National Navy


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