Why should rice be washed before cooking? This is the reason, according to experts

Why should rice be washed before cooking? This is the reason, according to experts
Why should rice be washed before cooking? This is the reason, according to experts

Rice is positioned as a daily staple in many cuisines around the world, including Colombian cuisine, since it works to accompany all types of recipes and desserts, In addition to being a good option for those looking to eat well at a low cost.

Rice with egg, rice with tuna, rice with meat, are just some of the main combinations that serve as ‘desvare’ at a time of need a quick and easy meal.

Rice is reportedly the second most produced cereal in the world, behind corn, at 741.5 million tons. However, this one is not ranked first just because corn is also produced for other purposes that go beyond human consumption.

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The process of cooking rice has also become a tradition, a cup of rice for two cups of water It is heard recurrently in Colombian homes, where in its preparation, one of the first steps is to wash it.

Why should rice be washed before cooking?

Research from the University of Queensland in Australia mentions that washing rice is key to removing traces of dust, insectsstones and pieces of shell that it may contain, they also found that microplastics can also be found in rice.

“In a 100-gram portion of ordinary rice, you can find 43 to 4 milligrams of plastic, while in pre-cooked rice the figure can go up to 13 milligrams”explained Jake O’Brien, lead author of the study.

Likewise, the United States National Library of Medicine found that rice can carry chemicals such as arsenic, copper and zinc.

“Washing rice before cooking reduces plastic pollution by 20 to 40 percent,” they exposed.

Finally, the study also highlights that washing rice and cook it with salt, reduces the presence of fungi

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