Spain will study “in detail” the trip that Milei intends to make in June

Spain will study “in detail” the trip that Milei intends to make in June
Spain will study “in detail” the trip that Milei intends to make in June

05/21/2024 Cooperation, José Manuel Albares, during a press conference after the meeting of the Council of Ministers, on May 21, 2024, in Madrid (Spain). (Alejandro Martínez Vélez – Europa Press)

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares, has said that the Government will study “with attention and detail” the next trip of Javier Milei to Spain, which he intends to carry out in the month of June. The Argentine president has been invited by a think tank liberal who will award him a prize at the Madrid Casino.

During an interview at Chain BeingAlbares has explained that has no “details about that trip” beyond what is published by the media and will have to study the matter “in detail.”

It may interest you: “We have to let it rest”: Pedro Sánchez puts the brakes on the crisis with Argentina despite Milei’s “verbal escalation”

Relations between Spain and Argentina are at a moment of maximum tension after Milei’s first visit to Spain, in which he participated in the event Europe Viva 24, organized by Vox and attended by important figures from the European extreme right. During his speech, Milei accused Pedro Sánchez’s wife of being “corrupt”, in reference to his judicial investigation for influence peddling. He also made mention of the five days of reflection that the Spanish president took after hearing the news about his wife, in which he left his continuation as head of the Government in doubt.

The Argentine president, Javier Milei, calls Begoña Gómez, Pedro Sánchez’s wife, “corrupt” and attacks socialism that “leads to slavery or death”

After Milei’s speech, Spain demanded that he apologize publicly and called its ambassador in Buenos Aires for consultations. Far from easing tensions, the Argentine president assured during an interview that he was attacked and accused Sánchez of “ferocious cowardice” and use the conflict “politically because you have problems and you need to polarize them.” Spokespersons for the Casa Rosada assured that “President Milei spoke with the truth as he has done in any country, any setting and before any audience.” Given the refusal received from the Argentine Government, Spain proceeded to permanently withdraw its ambassador from the country.

This Tuesday, Albares assured that taking other diplomatic measures was not ruled out, so the scenario is open to preventing Milei’s new visit. However, in his interview with the Be, The minister has not clarified what Spain’s position will be. “I don’t like making political fiction. “We have clearly positioned ourselves and we are going to defend the dignity of the Spanish institutions,” the minister said. While waiting for new information to arrive, Albares has made it clear that “An official visit is not the same as a private visit.”.

“(About the crisis with Argentina) I have spoken out very clearly these days. I don’t have anything new to add. I am one of those who believe that always collaboration is more powerful than confrontation. Spanish institutions do not make foreign policy with a tweet nor do we participate in any show. We have shown in these days that we will do everything necessary to defend the dignity of our institutions and the sovereignty of Spain. I think our position is clear,” he declared.

It may interest you: Corps asks for “institutional respect” in the face of the crisis with Argentina and sends a reassuring message to Spanish companies in the country

While the diplomatic conflict with Argentina is being managed, the Spanish Government announced this Wednesday the date on which the State of Palestine will be recognized. It will be officially done on May 28, in coordination with Ireland and Norway. In response to this measure, Israel has called its ambassadors in Spain for consultations and has summoned the Spanish ambassador to Tel Aviv. The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Nethanyahu, has assured that this recognition It is “a reward for terrorism”.

Asked about these diplomatic movements, Albares assured that he had nothing to comment. “The president has said that this recognition is in favor of peace and for the Palestinian people. We also do it for the people of Israel. “If we do not implement the two-state solution there will be no peace and stability for the Middle East.”

Yes, he has expressed that Nethanyahu’s statements “are absolutely false and absolutely absurd.” “We immediately condemn the Hamas attack, we stand in solidarity with the Israeli victims and have supported all EU sanctions packages on Hamas. Recognition of the Palestinian State favors the Palestinian Authority. As soon as the war ends, and we continue to call for a ceasefire, we must all make an effort to put Gaza and the West Bank under Palestinian authority.”

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