Insecticides are no more, eliminate bedbugs from your home with this infallible trick

The Bedbugs bed conditions are usually as annoying as they are dangerous to our health. Although eliminating them is a complicated job due to their tiny size, there are always natural remedies that will make your job extremely easy. In this note we will tell you about a very effective one so that you can say goodbye to them and not show signs of their passage through your skin again.

The medical community agrees that the appearances of eggs of Bedbugs of bed do not represent any problem for our health. What will be exposed is our itchy skin and wounds that cannot always be seen immediately with the naked eye but are annoying. This is why it is very important to combat them.

There are several tricks to be able to control them despite their microscopic size. Vacuuming the affected surfaces is a good idea, but you will have to repeat the procedure several times to be effective since the eggs adhere strongly. Frequently washing bedding will be another procedure that you should not negotiate if you want to keep them out of your bedroom.

Eliminate bed bugs without insecticide. Source: istock.

Now, if you don’t want to resort to a insecticideWhat not many people know is that there is an essential oil that can eliminate them very easily. This oil is natural clove oil. Thanks to its rich eugenol content, you can use it to eliminate them forever.

This trick is very effective in eliminating bed bugs. Source: istock.

He trick It is very simple and the results will not take long to become visible. You just have to mix a teaspoon of essential oil in a cup of water. The next step will be to place the contents in a sprayer so that you can spray the pillows, mattress, bedding and all surfaces where you suspect the presence of bed bugs. For specialists, this solution is even more powerful than any insecticide and also less harmful to your health. Isopropyl alcohol can also be very effective, but you will need to handle it very carefully.

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