God’s influencer: young man could become the first millennial saint

Pope Francis attributed a second miracle to a young Italian who spread the Catholic faith, making him the first “millennial” saint.

According to a statement, Pope Francis made the decision to make the young man a Saint. Carlo Acutisin a meeting with the head of the Vatican’s sanctification department, Cardinal Marcello Semeraro.

The young man died in October 2006 as a result of a leukemia and was buried in the Basilica of Assisi. In 2020 he was declared blessed, in one of the fastest processes in memory in the Catholic Church.

Carlo Acutis, the “millennial saint” – Photo Deutsche Welle

Who is Carlos Acutis

The young man was born in London, but was raised in Milan and became known as “God’s media”. He took care of his parish’s website and later an academy based in the Vatican. When he was 15 years old, he died of leukemia.

In 2020, after his first miracle, he was beatified. Although the Roman Catholic Church says that only God performs miracles, the saints are believed to be with God in heaven and intercede on behalf of those who pray, according to DW.

The young man is known as “millennial saint”since he used the internet to inform the Catholic community.

Carlo Acutis, the “millennial saint” – Photo Deutsche Welle

Miracles of the millennial saint

In 2010, the young man’s first miracle occurred. A Brazilian boy who suffered from congenital malformation of the pancreas He was completely healed. Although the minor needed an operation to which he never underwent, he was cured after being blessed with a relic of Carlo Acutis.

In the year 2022, a little girl was hospitalized with a brain trauma so his mother left a letter on the Italian’s grave. Two months later the girl recovered and the second miracle was granted to the young man.

Carlo Acutis is expected to be canonized soon along with three blesseds: the Canadian Marie-Léonie Paradis and the Italians Giuseppe Allamano and Elena Guerra.

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