What are cockroaches for on planet Earth? – Teach me about Science

What are cockroaches for on planet Earth? – Teach me about Science
What are cockroaches for on planet Earth? – Teach me about Science
Image credits: Freepik

To the like or dislike of many, on our planet there are a large number of living beings, some that are being studied to find out and others that are well known. Species that have a specific role in the world, for example, mosquitoes, which are very useful pollinators, flies also pollinate and serve as food for other animals, spiders, among others. We mention these animals because it is often thought that have no purpose or utility, but it is a serious mistake.

This situation happens with cockroaches, that small insect that most people do not want to have as guests in their home, but did you know that cockroaches serve a lot on our planet Earth? Create it with the following information.

Cockroaches, that little animal with almost white blood, that is roaming around some home at this very moment in search of food, that is very strong and capable of surviving without a head for a while, that are also capable of reaching a speed of 1.5 meters per second, of which we can find from the smallest that only measures 3 millimeters to 20 centimeters. And finally, that little animal that has a long history on our planet, since there are records that they emerged in the Carboniferous period, approximately 350 million years ago.

Having so many characteristics in their favor and living for so long on our planet, it is normal that cockroaches are here on Earth for one purpose and that is the following.

What are cockroaches for on planet Earth?

Cockroaches fulfill several purposes on our planet Earth, below we will mention the most relevant ones:

° Cockroaches play a valuable role in the biogeochemical cycles of certain chemical elements such as nitrogen. Fundamental element in plant growth.

° Apart from the species that we commonly know that hang around homes, there are other species that are of vital importance in the food chain, these chains are the set of food chains of an ecosystem. That is, cockroaches serve as food for various species such as: spiders, scorpions, birds or frogs. Thus cockroaches become a very important part of several terrestrial ecosystems.

° It may seem unpleasant to you, but some other species feed on excrement or plant matter. In this way, cockroaches help these elements disappear from the forests and the soil can have a greater load of nutrients.

° To conclude, at the beginning we mentioned that flies and mosquitoes serve as excellent pollinators, as do cockroaches. Since they usually feed on the nectar and pollen of certain plants.

Image credits: Depositphotos

Although it is difficult to see it from a reasonable perspective, do not let your taste govern you, because no matter how difficult it may seem, all the species that live on our planet have a special purpose, we just need to know it, remember that if humans do not will occupy the natural habitats of animals, many of them do not come close to the place we live.

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