President of Guatemala affirms that he works for the return of exiles

President of Guatemala affirms that he works for the return of exiles
President of Guatemala affirms that he works for the return of exiles

In the context of the Peace Consolidation Commission of that international entity, the president pointed out that in this country corruption and capture of the State by criminal actors and predatory elites threatened the very foundations of democracy.

When speaking in that forum made up of 31 States elected by the General Assembly, the 65-year-old politician warned about the existence of actors who continue to conspire to weaken the Guatemalan Government in its transformative vision.

In his opinion, some key institutions continue to be co-opted by “shadow” figures, who expelled justice operators, human rights defenders and social leaders into exile, who raised their voices to challenge the corrupt order.

“We need them to build a country for everyone,” said Arévalo in New York, United States, after holding a first-round meeting with the president of the International Peace Institute (IPI), Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein.

Before the Commission, according to several local media outlets, the professional sociologist and former diplomat considered it essential to promote pluralism and integrated solutions.

He described these principles as crucial, since they incorporate the commitments and practical partnerships necessary to strengthen peacekeeping efforts, he stressed.

He expressed that his Executive focuses on the implementation of preventive measures to address the root causes of social conflicts, instead of simply mitigating their most obvious consequences.

The standard bearer of the Semilla Movement party, described as progressive, said that he also promotes dialogue with peasant organizations and the private sector around national priorities.

He highlighted the establishment of a national dialogue with native authorities from throughout this Central American territory and highlighted the participation in that space of the indigenous mayor of Nebaj, Quiché, Feliciana Herrera.

In the medium term, he added, we will focus on building national pacts that foster consensus in critical areas such as health, education, the environment and sustainable development.

These agreements – he noted – will not only drive significant progress in our development, but will also prepare us to address future global challenges.

The president reiterated his gratitude for the continuous support of the international community for the advancement of Guatemala, since the signing of the Peace Accords in 1996.

He expressed his full confidence that this support will continue to be indispensable at this crucial stage.


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