Myriam Bregman: “We always said that Milei believed he was a king” | He anticipated that he “will reject” the possible veto of the retirement reform

Myriam Bregman: “We always said that Milei believed he was a king” | He anticipated that he “will reject” the possible veto of the retirement reform
Myriam Bregman: “We always said that Milei believed he was a king” | He anticipated that he “will reject” the possible veto of the retirement reform

The national deputy of the Left Front (FIT-U), Myriam Bregmananticipated that will reject the possible presidential veto of the new retirement reformafter Javier Milei warned that he will make that decision if the measure, which already has half a sanction, is approved in the Senate.

During his speech this Wednesday at the 10th Latam Economic Forum, the president He attacked the opposition deputies by describing them of “fiscal degenerates” and warned that, if the new retirement mobility formula becomes law, he will resort to veto. “I don’t give a damn,” Milei challenged, true to form.

For Bregman, These statements by the Argentine president “demonstrate a high degree of authoritarianism”. “We really always said that he believed himself to be a king and he once again has that spirit of a monarch, that he believes that he can do and undo as he pleases, that’s why I clarified that our votes will be firm to reject the presidential veto in case that happens“said the FIT representative in dialogue with the 750.

“I think we have to be very forceful and not let them start this strange game that the Government has, as happened in the Senate when they did not have a signature for the opinion and (Chief of Staff) Guillermo Francos arrives like Santa Claus with gifts and suddenly all (the signatures) are there,” he warned.

Along these lines, the legislator and former presidential candidate emphasized: “We are going to get two-thirds to reject the presidential veto. We are not going to allow the president, like a monarch, to say ‘I don’t like this and I veto it because I want to’ so that all the money goes to the IMF”.

Finally, Bregman pointed out that Milei has to pay a political cost. It is not free to veto a law. It is not free for a president who came saying that he was going to adjust the caste and is adjusting the retirees,” she concluded.

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