8 months after the Hamas terrorist attack, the video of the kidnapping of five Israeli women will be shown on 9 de Julio Avenue

8 months after the Hamas terrorist attack, the video of the kidnapping of five Israeli women will be shown on 9 de Julio Avenue
8 months after the Hamas terrorist attack, the video of the kidnapping of five Israeli women will be shown on 9 de Julio Avenue

Argentinos x Israel will project a video on one of the screens on Av. 9 de Julio and Av. Corrientes to make visible the violence suffered by a group of young people at the time of their kidnapping

This Friday June 7th 8 months have passed since attack by the terrorist group Hamas, which ended the lives of thousands of people in Israel on October 7. During that brutal attack, They tortured, kidnapped and raped hundreds of girls, women and men, as demonstrated by the report prepared by the UN about. Many of them were taken to Gaza and, of all those still there, eight are Argentine, including one one year old baby and a four year old boy.

In that framework, Argentines x Israela group that seeks to end anti-Semitismwill project a video on one of the screens on 9 de Julio Avenue and Corrientes facilitated and authorized by the Forum of Families of Kidnapped and Disappeared Persons to make visible the violence suffered by a group of young people at the time of their kidnappingand who are still in captivity.

Part of the material was released a few weeks ago by the young women’s families to ask for their return. In the short but impressive audiovisual piece that It will begin to be shown at 7am and will circulate throughout the day, calling for the release of all those kidnapped.

In the video you can see Naama Levy, Liri Albag, Karina Ariev, Agam Berger and Daniela Gilboa, all 19 years old, bloodied and being taken to Gaza by armed terrorists.

Naama Levy and Liri Albag at the moment of their kidnapping

The video, captured by the body cameras of the Hamas extremists, shows images of the young women tied against the wall after being captured in the shelter of the military base where they were hiding.

In the images you can see how one of the terrorists addresses one of the girls and says: “I want you to shut up and sit down! Our brothers have died because of you and we are going to shoot them all.” In another fragment of the video, one of the militiamen is heard saying: “Here are the girls (who can get pregnant). They are the Zionists.” Then he adds, looking at one of them: “You are so Beautiful…”.

The five female soldiers remain in Hamas captivity after more than 200 days of war

The young soldiers stationed at the Nahal Oz base who appear in the video were in charge of surveillance tasks. Months before the October 7 attack, they notified the Army of suspicious movements on the border between Gaza and Israel.

During that morning, at least 15 female soldiers died and seven of them were kidnapped, among whom was Ori Megidsh, 18 years old, who was rescued on October 30 by the Israeli Army after 23 days of captivity and Noa Marciano died during her kidnapping. and his body was recovered by Israeli forces.

The other five girl soldiers, most between 19 and 20 years old, remain in Hamas captivity after 229 days of war, while negotiations to reach a truce pact between the Palestinian group and Israel remain stagnant.

Kfir Bibas, the Argentine baby who is still kidnapped by Hamas in Gaza (X/@IsraelArgentina)

Kfir Bibas (1), Ariel Bibas (4), Shiri Bibas (32), Yarden Bibas (34), Iair Horn (45), Eitan Horn (37), Ariel Cunio (26) and David Cunio (34) are the Argentines who remain kidnapped by Hamas since October 7, 2023.

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