Anyone who enters illegally will be deported immediately: USA.

Anyone who enters illegally will be deported immediately: USA.
Anyone who enters illegally will be deported immediately: USA.

In dialogue with La W, Luis Miranda, principal deputy assistant secretary of the United States Department of Homeland Securityspoke about the new executive order of the president joe biden that suspends asylum applications for migrants who cross the US southern border irregularly and without authorization.

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This restriction exists “for any person who is crossing illegally or who arrives without authorization to the borders southern United Stateswhich includes the borders of the coast,” said Miranda.

Anyone who arrives like this in the US. will not be eligible for asylumwill be deported immediately, will be banned from going to that country for a period of at least five years and will also be able to see charges criminals, especially for those who are repeat offenders. However, the rule includes several exceptions, such as unaccompanied children, victims of human trafficking or those with medical problems.

What this standard allows us is” prevent these migrants from entering the asylum process “and thus carry out the deportation in a simpler way,” in order to free up the system “for those who really do need protection,” indicated the undersecretary.

The new policy went into effect last Wednesday at midnight. But it is not a policy that is always in operation. It will only be activated every time the authorities register more than 2,500 arrests per day for a week.

These figures are determined according to the ability of US authorities to “work correctly” the asylum process of migrants regular.

“This does not mean that, when the number of irregular migrants is reduced, “they can enter without consequences,” because “any person who crosses illegally with or without this order is violating the law of the United States and there consequences that’s why“, Miranda warned, adding that “what the law allows us is to expedite the process of applying the consequences and carrying out the deportation. When (the flow of irregular migrants) rises to 2,500, it puts stress on the system.”

Darién, a problem that must be fought together

According to Miranda, this rule, along with other policies that the United States has taken and announced, could reduce the transit of irregular migrants through the Darién, the dangerous jungle that acts as a natural border between Colombia and Panama.

“This is something we take very seriously. In fact, several months ago we were in Panama for a dialogue” between that country, Colombia and the United States “about the efforts to limit the movement and flow of people and smuggling through the Darien“, said. One of the actions that Joe Biden’s Government has taken is to sanction companies that transport people from Necoclí to Darién.

Mitigate the flow of this jungle and all the consequences that this entails “It’s a joint effort. Both Colombia and Panama take this problem seriously and are working on it. It is important for us to offer support,” he explained.

Other legal avenues to apply for asylum in the US.

For those migrants fleeing violence or persecution, USA has established several legal processes that will not be affected, according to the undersecretary, for this new rule. There are humanitarian processes in Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela to facilitate regular migration and legal stay in the US. There are also family reunification processes for people in Colombia, Ecuador and other countries.

On the other hand, the Biden Government implemented the Safe Mobility Offices. “Centers are opening in several countries, including Colombia, where the United States is doing what it can to ensure that people take these paths legal”. The idea is to keep legal avenues open to prevent migrants from taking the Dangerous Darien RoadMiranda pointed out.

Differences with the measures of former President Donald Trump

This rule, according to statements by the principal deputy assistant secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, It has many differences with the measures taken by the former president donald trump during his government.

“We are dealing with the issue from a humanitarian point of view. We can apply the law for someone who has crossed illegally, but, at the same time, we can respect their human dignity in that process” of deportation, which represents “a significant change.”

Likewise, in the Biden Government “We are not separating children from their mothers, we have prohibited family separation. We are working collaboratively with our allies throughout the hemisphere.

This issue of irregular migration is not only about the United States; Colombia has received more than 2 million Venezuelans, Costa Rica has a fairly high percentage of Nicaraguans, we have MexicoBrazil and other countries that are integrating migrants” in their territory, he emphasized.

In total, US authorities are working together with 21 other countries under the Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection.

The levels of displacement and migration in the hemisphere are at historic numbers, but also at a global level, it is not something that will be resolved with the United States alone. This order is necessary, the number of illegal crossings is too high, which prevents us from working for those who truly need protection,” Miranda insisted.

Although there is always the possibility that this measure by Biden will be annulled in the US Courts, the undersecretary prefers not to speculate.

At this time, we believe that, unlike what has been done in the past, we are keeping legal processes open, we are making sure that the people who really need protection have these mechanisms. We continue to ensure that we are meeting the obligations under international agreements. There are vehicles for the protection of migrants,” she asserted.

Anyone who enters illegally will be deported immediately: USA.

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