nuclear weapons are used only in “exceptional cases” – DW – 06/07/2024

nuclear weapons are used only in “exceptional cases” – DW – 06/07/2024
nuclear weapons are used only in “exceptional cases” – DW – 06/07/2024

The leader of Russia, Vladimir Putin, assured this Friday (06/07/2024) that he does not see any threat to the sovereignty of his country and that, therefore, the use of nuclear weapons would not be justified, and reiterated that Moscow could send weapons to third countries or groups to attack Western targets.

Speaking at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Putin said the use of nuclear weapons is only possible “in exceptional cases,” and that he did not believe such a scenario has arisen. Since he ordered the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the leader of the Russian regime has repeatedly spoken of the use of nuclear weapons.

Therefore, it was not surprising that, after pointing out that nuclear weapons would be used only to defend Russian territorial integrity, because that is what military doctrine dictates, he pointed out that this doctrine “is a living instrument and we closely follow what is happening in the world, around us. And we do not rule out introducing some change in this doctrine.”

He clarified, however, that it was not necessary to use atomic bombs to achieve victory in Ukraine, a country that Russian forces invaded more than two years ago for an operation that was supposed to last a few days. Likewise, he maintained that Moscow “reserves the right” to provide weapons to the enemies of the West in response to the decision of some NATO members to authorize the use of their weapons for the defense of Ukrainian territory.

There will be no more mobilizations, he says

“If they send weapons to the combat zone and let them be used against our territory, why shouldn’t we have the right to do the same?” asked the man who started the conflict. “But I’m not saying this is going to happen tomorrow,” he added, suggesting that such a decision could affect global stability.

The Kremlin leader also said that he sees no reason for a new mobilization to make up for the numerous human losses suffered by his Army, because “people come voluntarily and go to the front lines to defend their Motherland.” For this reason, “we are not planning” a new mobilization, he added, although he acknowledged that if Russia wanted to quickly achieve its objectives in Ukraine, “the current contingent would be insufficient.” “But we opted for a different tactic. We expelled the enemy from the territories that should remain under our control,” he explained.

Putin also assured that the Russian economy is growing, despite international sanctions, thanks to the fact that it has increased its trade with Africa, the Middle East and Asia.


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