Diana Mondino, the swap with China and the internal ones in the Cabinet

The need for someone who could speak as equals with the country’s main creditors (Milei reads something and speaks broken English) and their governments, even at the cost of certain noises that could occur in strictly diplomatic terms, but which justified the decision.

We saw a clear example of this in mid-April when it ended up being Mondino’s management of his Brazilian counterpart (he speaks perfect English, French and Portuguese) that saved the situation of lack of gas in the country.

The swap with China

The renegotiation of swap with Chinait was something that the market and the IMF took for granted, but as time went by, it became increasingly complicated, more due to the Government’s intransigence on the issue of dams and railways than any other issue.

From time to time, China needs to slap a country that does not agree to its conditions, as an example for the rest of its geopolitical interests. Money does not matter, what matters is power and respect, not understanding this is not knowing China (which we will never fully understand).

and many have imagined republics and principalities that have never been known in reality because our way of living is so far removed from the way .JPG

“and many have imagined republics and principalities never known in reality, because they are so far from how one lives and how one should live, that he who abandons what he does, for what he must do, learns ruin more quickly than its preservation” , The Prince

This means that the renewal of the swap was a failure even before the negotiations began. This was confirmed by Mondino after his first trip to China in late April, when he admitted that the swap would have to be paid in cash, in what was perhaps your first mistake on this topic (“Toto” did not forgive himself: the markets are not warned of bad news.)

It doesn’t matter that the seduction and convincing operation was destined to fail from the beginning, or that the contribution of Caputo’s people – who should have provided a way out – was of no use, “the thin accusing finger” pointed squarely at the chancellor.

Sister and travel

We Argentines are accustomed to presidents making use, to the point of abuse, of some of their privileges. An example of this was the use of presidential planes to send newspapers and even some furniture to the Kirchner residence in El Calafate, while they vacationed there and presided over the country.

Although the amount was not relevant, it is said to be about US$75,000, it merited the prosecution of the President who was finally acquitted more for questions of form than substance.

The presidential decision to make all trips abroad on airliners was very well received by all Argentines. This did not last too long and in mid-April, Milei began to use the official fleet.

Men are so simple and so willing to obey present needs, that he who deceives will always find someone who will allow himself to be deceived Cap XVIII.JPG

“Men are so simple and so willing to obey present needs, that he who deceives will always find someone who allows himself to be deceived” Il Principe

The problem is that in your agenda mixes religious, personal and official issues, and The lines between them have been increasingly blurring, as more trips add up. With seven trips since he took office and two scheduled to Europe in the next two weeks (I have not yet visited any neighboring country), no other Argentine president has accumulated as many miles as him at this point.

These lines seem to have been broken on May 17 when the trip to Spain to participate in the partisan event of the VOX organization that merited an investigation request from the anti-corruption office

because in general men judge more by their eyes than by their hands, since everyone can see, but very few have to feel..JPG

“Because in general men judge more by their eyes than by their hands, since everyone can see, but very few have to feel.” Il Principe

Historically, the General Secretariat of the Presidency has been in charge of presidential trips. As these numbers are publicly accessible and perhaps to avoid misintelligence with Chancellery that marked the “off side” of the trip to Spain, Karina Milei decided last week to “throw the burden” on Mondino. The idea is that the Palacio San Martin is the one who pays. With this all trips would be “official””, presidency saves between US$700,000 and US$1 million that it has been spending per trip, and the destination of the games… we will have to look for them.

At the risk of enraging “The Boss,” Mondino -who I would like to give an embassy to Posse as a consolation prize Although for the president he is someone who “is history” – he rejected the idea, given that the almost 100 dismissals he had to make in the Ministry left him without arguments compared to the rest of the diplomatic corps. In the end and not in the best way, the sister imposed presidential power and the next trips are in charge of the Chancellery.

They say that there are people who can’t stand women who are smarter than them and who also show it. It will be like this….

The Lion’s Wrath

The above builds on what follows. On Friday, a summit with the main Arab and Islamic leaders in the country, organized by the Chancellery and the Center who was the one who issued the invitations. Javier Milei’s personal position regarding the conflict in Gaza is well known, so his presence was significant in smoothing out differences and uniting positions.

In a twist that surprised to more than one, On Thursday, the Foreign Ministry had adhered to a Ceasefire Request -the first time our country asked for such a thing- and release of the hostages in the hands of Hamas that promoted the White House and 15 other countries (today Mileiencouraged by who we already know, He sees this as a trap that the Chancellor set for him).

But the thing is that minutes before 10 in the morning, 200 meters from the mosque, President It was announced that among those attending the meeting – 20 diplomats from the Arab world had been invited – would be the charge d’affaires of the Palestinian Embassy: simply, “it burned”.

A prince forced to behave like a beast must imitate the fox and the lion because the lion cannot protect itself from traps and the fox cannot defend itself from wolves.JPG

“A prince forced to behave like a beast must imitate the fox and the lion because the lion cannot protect himself from traps and the fox cannot defend himself from wolves. It is necessary, therefore, to be a fox to know traps, and a lion to scare away the wolves. “But those who only take the lion as their model do not understand their interests.” Il Principe

He ordered the driver to turn around, he an emetic phone call and from there it fell into radio silence. Her fury was such that He refused to participate in the toast with the journalists at the Casa Rosada at one in the afternoon.

The irony of the case is that Joe Biden met with the president of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas -who was never a favorite of Hamas- several times, in July 2022, in October last year they spoke by phone, in September Secretary of State Anthony Blinken spoke to him and this December Jack Sullivan, a Security Advisor, met with Abbas in Ramallah

Start the week

Right now, Nothing obsesses President Milei more than the “Petovello question”, which he has been defending tooth and nail. This means that Any resolution regarding Diana Mondino takes a backseat.

This Wednesday and Thursday, the Milei brothers, Caputo and Mondino should meet during the ExpoEFI in Rural (Ámbito is a sponsor). There we will have the first evidence of how heated things are.


“Some who think that a prince who earns the reputation of being prudent is not due to his nature but because of the good advisors he has around him are deceived. It is an infallible rule that a prince who is not wise cannot be well advised” Il Principe

Immediately after is the trip to Italy to the G7 meeting (Alberto Fernández was invited in 2022) where the president plans to speak about “Artificial Intelligence”. Let’s hope this serves to calm the waters a bit.

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