Why does body odor change with age? Tips to control aromas

Why does body odor change with age? Tips to control aromas
Why does body odor change with age? Tips to control aromas

From the moment we are born, our skin has a smell. It is common and there is nothing wrong with it. The baby smell is true and many times it is not unpleasant. However, in adolescence and even middle adulthood, perspiration can be a daily problem due to its strong and invasive aroma. This is something that is reversed with deodorants, creams, perfumes, lotions and oils. Meanwhile, in old age, the well-known “old man smell” is also a frequent occurrence, but it does not have an unpleasant appearance.

That “old man smell” is due to the contact of bacteria with the dermis. However, to prevent this from happening, there are inexpensive home remedies that can be applied daily according to experts.

The concept emerged in Japan in 2001 as kareishu and was related to the smell of grandparents, something that is usually common and that is impregnated in homes, their clothes and everyday environments. It usually appears after the age of 60, but various investigations have indicated that from the age of 30 body odor can gradually become this way.

The chemist José María Antón, a researcher for years in biotechnology for the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), told the Spanish newspaper El País that “the hormonal changes of maturity result in an increase in the production of lipids on the surface of the skin. At the same time, our natural antioxidant capacity is reduced and the result is that peroxidation increases exponentially and the body smells increasingly worse. It is that smell that is noticeable in nursing homes, no matter how clean they are.”

With the arrival of age, it is more common for changes to occur in our bodies.


This happens “when sweat comes into contact with bacteria on the skin, mainly from the apocrine sweat glands that act as a kind of breeding ground for microbes,” said Dr. Ramiro Heredia (MN 117882), a medical specialist. in the medical clinic of the José de San Martín Hospital de Clínicas.

Therefore, in a research called The Smell of Age: Perception and Discrimination of Body Odors at Different Ages, an attempt was made to demonstrate this inevitable change. A group of 44 men and women of different age ranges were asked to wear a shirt for five consecutive days so that the smell of perspiration would accumulate. The result showed that adolescents and middle-aged adults had no difference in their odors.

However, for those over 60 years old, it was more difficult to find an identifiable pattern. Afterwards, they explained that changes in body odor probably have nothing to do with personal hygiene issues, but rather are aroma compounds and bacteria interacting on the skin.

The main one, the molecule 2-nonenal, is produced in the dermis naturally as a consequence of lipid peroxidation and increases over time, affecting body odor.

Aloe vera can help control the “old man smell.”


How to remove odor from skin

There are three home tricks to remove aromas from the skin. Each of them has non-toxic compounds; However, it is suggested to consult with a trusted doctor before applying it.
  • Aloe vera: This plant has a rich pulp that helps keep our skin hydrated. In addition, it fights against the bacteria that reside there and that can generate bad odor in contact with sweat.
  • Sodium bicarbonate: It serves as a natural deodorant if mixed with water and talcum powder. It is especially to be placed under the armpits in order to reduce bad taste odors.
  • Apple vinager: This powerful product helps fight fungi and bacteria, so it is recommended to apply it to affected areas such as the feet.


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