The Peruvian plant that the Incas used to reduce fever

Peru It has always stood out for being one of the countries with the greatest diversity of flora in the world, housing approximately 25 thousand unique species, of which 1,400 have medicinal properties.

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What Peruvian plant is used to reduce fever?

It’s about the cinchona, a plant that is also known as “Cascara Sagrada”. It can reach a height of 10 meters, has rough bark, narrow leaves, green flowers and tiny seeds that contain properties that make it a “sacred” plant.

It is also an ancient plant, which is used to combat and prevent various ailments. Cinchona belongs to the Rubiaceae family.

Generally, the bark of cinchona, with which an infusion or tea is made that serves to reduce fever. We can even mention that this plant was used to treat malaria.

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Who practiced medicine in the Inca Empire?

Several historians highlighted the Ichuris, doctors-healers who shared their skills with the entire population. For the “common” inhabitants, there were the Comascaswhile the Inca nobility relied on the services of the Amaucas.

What is fever?

Fever is characterized by an increase in body temperature that exceeds 37°Cand is an indication of the organism about possible alterations, generally associated with infections or the presence of viruses.

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