The G7 asks Venezuela for clean elections and to avoid the destabilization of Essequibo

The leaders of the G7, the seven most advanced democracies in the world, expressed this Friday their concern about the situation in Venezuela, demanding clean elections on July 28 and asking to avoid “destabilizing actions” in Essequibo, a territory in dispute with Guyana.

“We are deeply concerned about the current political, economic and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela and the lack of progress in the implementation of the October 2023 Barbados Agreement”reads the final declaration of the summit held in Apulia, Italy, with the participation of the leaders of Germany, Canada, the United States, France, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom.

In particular, they are concerned about “the rights of the opposition in the electoral process and the decision to withdraw the invitation for an electoral observation mission” from the European Union (EU).

“We call on Venezuela to fully implement the Barbados Agreement and ensure competitive and inclusive elections on July 28, including complete and credible international electoral observation missions”they urged.

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In addition, they demanded “an end to the harassment of opposition members and the immediate release of all political prisoners.”

Guyana Esequiba, another concern of the Group of 7

Likewise, the G7 stated that “closely follow the events between Venezuela and Guyana” in their territorial dispute over the Essequibo region and “welcomed” the regional efforts to maintain dialogue between the parties, although they demanded that Caracas “refrain from new destabilizing actions“.

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“The matter must be resolved peacefully, in accordance with international law,” the G7 stressed in its statement.

The G7, meeting until today at the ‘Borgo Egnazia’ hotel under the presidency of Italy, decided to dedicate this year special attention to America, with the presidents of Argentina, Javier Milei, and Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, as guests.

The forum discussed the elections on July 28 in Venezuela, in which the current president, Nicolás Maduro, is seeking re-election, and about which there is concern about possible irregularities, given the disqualification of the opponent María Corina Machado and the veto observers from the European Union (EU).

In their declaration, the G7 leaders also committed to collaborating for the stabilization of Haiti and to finance the Multinational Security Support Mission (MSS), led by Kenya, so that it is “deployed as soon as possible” in that country, among other initiatives.

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Source: EFE Agency

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