Today’s Gospel Saturday June 15, 2024: Today’s Readings

Today’s Gospel Saturday June 15, 2024: Today’s Readings
Today’s Gospel Saturday June 15, 2024: Today’s Readings

“Do not swear in any way… When you say “yes”, let it be yes, and when you say “no”, let it be no”, is the central message of today’s Holy Gospel Saturday and reflection with today’s Readings 14 June, 2024. Gospel of the day explained according to Saint Matthew 5:33-37, with the daily Word for today, Saturday of week 10 of Ordinary Time.

“By accepting the Law of God in the heart, one understands that desires must be guided.” (Pope Francis’ reflection on today’s Gospel)

Reading index.

Saint of the day:

Saint Germana Cousin was a mystical shepherd girl who suffered child abuse from her stepmother, she was devoted to the daily Mass, prayer and the Holy Rosary.

Gospel Message:

Do not swear in any way… When you say “yes”, let it be yes, and when you say “no”, let it be no (Cf. Gospel according to Saint Matthew 5,33-37)

Today's Gospel Matthew 5:33-37: When they say Yes, let it be Yes

Readings for today Saturday.

1 Kings 19:19-21: “Then Elisha departed and followed Elijah.”

Elijah departed from there and found Elisha, son of Shaphat, who was plowing. Before him were twelve yoke of oxen, and he was with the last one. Elijah passed by him and threw his cloak over him. Elisha left his oxen, ran after Elijah, and said, “Let me kiss my father and mother; then I will follow you.” Elijah replied: “Yes, you can go. What did I do to stop you?” Elisha turned around, took the yoke of oxen and slaughtered them. Then, with the harnesses of the oxen, he roasted the meat and gave it to his people to eat. Then he departed, followed Elijah, and served him. God’s word.

Today’s psalm.

Psalm 16(15): “You are my inheritance, Lord.”

Keep me, O God, for I take refuge in you; I say to the Lord: “You are my Lord.” O Lord, my portion and my cup, you are the one who retains my lot. /R.

I bless the Lord who advises me; Even at night my conscience instructs me. I always put the Lord before me; With him at my right hand I will not be troubled. /R.

Therefore, my heart rejoices and my soul rejoices, my body also remains confident; because you will not abandon my soul to the lower world, nor will you allow your faithful ones to suffer corruption. /R.

Today’s Gospel.

Matthew 5:33-37: “When you say ‘yes’, let it be yes.”

At that time, Jesus said to his disciples: “You have also heard that it was said to the ancestors: “You shall not swear falsely, and you shall fulfill the oaths sworn to the Lord.” But I tell you not to swear in any way: neither by heaven, because it is the throne of God, nor by earth, because it is his footstool; nor for Jerusalem, because it is the City of the great King. Don’t swear by your head either, because you can’t turn a single one of your hairs white or black. When you say “yes”, let it be yes, and when you say “no”, let it be no. Everything that is said too much comes from the Evil One. Lord’s word. Glory to you, Lord Jesus.

Reflection Pope Francis.

Today’s Gospel reading belongs to the “Sermon on the Mount” and deals with the theme of the fulfillment of the Law: how I should fulfill the Law, how it should be done… Jesus does not suppress the prescriptions related to these issues, but rather explains their full meaning and indicates the spirit in which they should be observed. He encourages us to move from formal observance of the Law to substantive observance, welcoming the Law into the heart, which is the center of the intentions, decisions, words and gestures of each of us. Good and bad actions come from the heart… By accepting the Law of God in the heart, one understands that desires must be guided, because one cannot have everything one desires, and it is not good to give in to selfish feelings. and possessive. When you accept the Law of God in your heart, you understand that you must abandon a lifestyle of broken promises, as well as move from the prohibition of perjury to the decision not to swear at all, assuming the attitude of complete sincerity with everyone. … (Homily of Pope Francis on today’s Gospel, February 16, 2020)

Gospel of the day (video).

What message does God have for me today? Listen to the audio meditation of today’s Gospel Saturday, according to Saint Matthew 5:33-37: “Do not swear at all… When you say “yes”, let it be yes, and when you say “no”, let it be no “, with Father Carlos Yepes.

Let us ask the Holy Spirit for help, to help us meditate on the reflection of today’s Saturday readings.

Today’s Chaplet.

Join the teachings of the Gospel to the prayer of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy today, Saturday, for all your intentions, for the Pope, the Church and all our needs.

Intentions of the day.

In today’s Gospel Saturday, according to Saint Matthew 5:33-37, we read: “Do not swear in any way… When you say “yes”, let it be yes, and when you say “no”, let it be no.” What does today’s Gospel tell us? In The Daily Word, Jesus calls us to be people of our word, whose truthfulness does not depend on oaths or elaborate promises, but on consistency and honesty in our daily speech. What does this text from the Gospel of the day tell me? How would I apply today’s readings to my life? Write in the comments your prayer requests that today’s Gospel may have raised in you, or all those things that you have stored inside. Remember today’s message from the Gospel of the day, according to Saint Matthew 5:33-37: “Do not swear at all… When you say “yes”, let it be yes.” We will be praying for your intentions.

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