The President shared a “list” of countries that “ask for a Milei”

The President shared a “list” of countries that “ask for a Milei”
The President shared a “list” of countries that “ask for a Milei”


In the middle of Javier Milei’s new tour of Europe – he participated in the G7 summit in Italy and the peace summit in Ukraine – a user of the social network everyone asking for “a Javier Milei”. The check The neighborhood phenomenona name that alludes to one of the phrases that the president regularly uses to target those who underestimated him, was in charge of preparing the list, which includes posts by alleged citizens of countries such as Japan, United States and France. The leader of La Libertad Avanza (LLA) publicized the list.

“Citizens of the entire world, ask that a Javier Milei appear right now, in their countries,” the Internet user who sympathizes with the libertarian leader – and whose account was only created in May 2024 – introduces in his extensive publication. The first nation to be mentioned in the thread is Spain. “Goosebumps. We urgently need a Milei in Spain to deworm it from socialism“, reads the post that the user Willy Tolerdo did at the beginning of March.

Secondly, it appears USAwith a publication that Joshua Robinson made this Sunday and says: “We need Milei in the United States”. Further on there is Chili. The Internet user Cecilia Ferreto shared a fragment of the participation of the head of state of Argentina last May in an event of the Vox party in Spain and wrote alongside the images: “In Chile, we need a Milei. We don’t have to give left-handers an extra centimeter. Long live freedom”.

Peru It is also included in the list. The check BUXTREP, which spreads news about the local political situation on social networks, said on the platform run by tycoon Elon Musk: “We need a Milei for Peru. “We should have a president who attacks the left like this.” Israel It is another of the countries whose Internet users are fighting for Javier Milei as leader of the Executive. Yuval Ben David wrote in the Hebrew language: “We need some Javier Milei around here.”

With respect to JapanThe neighborhood phenomenon releases a screenshot of a tweet from Liberalism Research Institutewhich says: “The President of Argentina, Javier Milei, announces the permanent closure of the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity. It is important to abolish such harmful ministries. There are many things that Japan doesn’t need either.”. Below the Asian country is Colombiawith a post from Alejandro Rojas Tenorio: “Urgent. We need a Milei in Colombia.”

Once again in North America, the list displays a user post Adam, Ontario resident, Canada. Within the framework of the sanction of the Bases Law in the Senate by 37 votes to 36, the man highlighted: “Continue to show the world that the ‘impossible’ is possible through common sense. We need more Milei”. The Ecuadorian account Metalhead Facho celebrated the layoffs in the Argentine State and stated: “We need a Milei in Ecuador.”

Regarding Mexico, user Laura was in the same sense: “I want a Milei in Mexico.” The Central American country is followed by two Europeans, an Internet user from France and another from the United Kingdom. “Socialism is the ideology of corruption and greed designed by hypocrites and envious people. “In France we need a right that, like Milei, methodically hits the left,” he said. Guillaume Kiefera defender of the ideas of liberalism in his country.

“This is what we need,” he insisted. Nick Buckley a candidate for the British parliament. And he shared a flyer with the “achievements” obtained by Milei since his landing in Casa Rosada: “Since his victory, Argentine President Javier Milei fired 5,000 people from the State, eliminated 380,000 state regulations, eliminated 12 of 21 Cabinet positions, reopened the oil industry and closed the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity.”

The list of users who express their desire for the emergence of a figure like that of the Argentine economist on the political scene of their countries concludes with the following nations: Germany, Brazil, Bolivia, Cuba, Panama, Guatemala, Belgium, Australia and New Zealand.


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