They detected a signal from the missing Malaysia Airlines flight 10 years ago

They detected a signal from the missing Malaysia Airlines flight 10 years ago
They detected a signal from the missing Malaysia Airlines flight 10 years ago

The great mystery related to the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 could be solved ten years later. A new signal has been detected by British researchers and could lead the way to the unknown location of the plane.

MH370 is believed to have crashed into the water.

The hydrophones (water microphones) have detected a signal that was emitted at the same time that MH370 is believed to have it crashed on March 8, 2014. This is a signal that is only 6 seconds long. More tests will still be necessary to determine the estimated location of the scene of the terrible accident.

A tragedy that shocked the world

Flight MH370. It took off from Kuala Lumpur with 239 people on board bound for Beijing and disappeared from Malaysian civilian radars about 40 minutes later. Since then, countless searches have been carried out without success.

On board the plane were 153 Chinese, 50 Malaysians (12 were part of the crew), 7 Indonesians, 6 Australians, 5 Indians, 4 French, 3 Americans, 2 New Zealanders, 2 Ukrainians, 2 Canadians, a Russian, a Dutchman, a Taiwanese and two Iranians who used the stolen passports of an Italian and an Austrian.

Flight MH370. It took off from Kuala Lumpur with 239 people on board heading to Beijing and disappeared from Malaysian civilian radars about 40 minutes later (Reuters).

Dr. Usama Kadri, whose specialty is applied mathematics, has resolved some questions related to the origin of the newly detected signal. The reading of the signal is not conclusive in establishing the location of the plane, but it is unlikely that any hydrophone would have detected a heavy plane crashing into the ocean.

Dr. Kadri’s team has as reference the work that was done with hydrophones to locate the ARA San Juan, an Argentine submarine that was found at the bottom of the South Atlantic, 907 meters deep.

If they manage to find the remains of the plane, it would put an end to a search of 119999329 square meters by authorities around the world. A mystery that could be solved and bring some peace to the families of the deceased.

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