The sadness of Baby Girl, the dog who saw dozens of people ignore her during an adoption event

The sadness of Baby Girl, the dog who saw dozens of people ignore her during an adoption event
The sadness of Baby Girl, the dog who saw dozens of people ignore her during an adoption event

The dog saw countless people passing by during a mass adoption event. (Instagram/orangecountyanimalservices)

The elderly pets They also deserve a home. babygirl, a bitch which was rescued by volunteers from Orange County Animal Services (GOSE) from Orlando County, Florida, United States, was the victim of a sad episode when she was ignored by dozens of attendees at a massive adoption event held on May 29.

The depressing moment was captured and shared through social networks by his caregivers. In the description they lamented that Baby Girl is one of “the dogs that no one loves, the forgotten ones, the undesirable ones.”

It was thanks to the fame of the clip that the dog found an adopter in mid-June, in the home of one of her adoptive caregivers, where she can enjoy a second chance at life in the company of people who love her.

The pet broke the hearts of its caregivers after it was ignored by dozens of attendees at a massive adoption event. (Facebook/Orange County Animal Services)

Throughout the clip shared by OCAS volunteers you can see how Baby Girl observes the dozens of attendees who passed near her cage. Some paid attention to him and others passed him by.

At the beginning of the video, the pet seemed excited to meet people, however, as time went by, that enthusiasm faded. At some point, the dog lay down in the cage and stopped welcoming those who came to say hello.

At the end of the recording, the animal looks completely sad and with a lost look.

“For some dogs, people will line up outside our doors for hours. For others, people argue and fight with each other. And then there are those that no one likes. The forgotten. The undesirables,” wrote those in charge of OCAS social networks.

The pet is 9 years old and with 4 months in the shelter she became the oldest resident there. Despite being “sweet and gentle” with people, until then she had not found a permanent home.

Her caregivers at OCAS feared that she would never be adopted because she was an elderly pet.

On June 9, members of OCAS shared on Facebook that the video had been viewed more than 167,000 times, despite this, the pet remained in their care.

“We are starting to lose hope, and so is she. “She has been in our care for months, initially at the shelter, then in a foster home, and again at the shelter,” her caregivers wrote.

He returned from the “mega adoption event” in which almost 60 dogs participated, however, he was not one of the lucky ones to find a home.

“It is estimated that at 9 years of age, his time is limited. It is not right that the gift of his remaining time is spent in the shelter, where he shares care with almost 200 other dogs,” OCAS volunteers lamented.

He arrived at the shelter in February 2024 and it wasn’t until mid-June that he found a home.

The story had a happy ending when on June 14, the shelter’s social media managers announced that Baby Girl found a home.

Su Morrison, a shelter volunteer who volunteered to take her in temporarily, wrote in the comments section of the post that Baby Girl was officially adopted on June 11 by her “adoptive mother.”

“Another failed foster, another happy dog,” Morrison wrote. The news was celebrated by dozens of Internet users, who declared they were happy for the pet.

“Thanks for the update, certainly good news”, “The elderly and geriatrics are amazing. We adopted two of our pets at OCAS,” were some of the comments written by the shelter’s followers.

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