The healing and liberating power that animals have was evident in video | News today

The healing and liberating power that animals have was evident in video | News today
The healing and liberating power that animals have was evident in video | News today

This is one of the images that can be seen in the recording, in which a man on a stretcher cries when he feels the horse lay its head on his chest.

Photo: X: @InformaCosmos

In a video, which went viral, the magical effect that animals produce on people was captured. For this reason, only the presence of horses, cats or dogs has been used as therapybecause they are capable of calming people and generating peace when there is stress or sadness.

“Animals can be great enhancers of the oxytocin that we need to mitigate the effects of the toxic cortisol that invades us today,” said Marian Rojas, a prominent psychiatrist, writer and lecturer to La Vanguardia. This is because oxytocin is one of the hormones responsible for sensations such as calm, relaxation and general well-being.

What was evidenced in a recording that initially shows a man, on a stretcher, with part of his neck bandaged, who cries when a horse tenderly lays its head on his chest. Likewise, a man is seen being hugged by a camel in the desert; a child bending down to receive a chicken’s hug; and a man carrying a baby donkey.

In this regard, users have expressed themselves about the kindness of these creatures: “It would be wonderful if one day we all agreed to make a better world, both for them and for us”, “how beautiful, that is true love” or “if we do so much with so little, let’s imagine what would happen if we really made a great effort for them!”

This is just one example that animals and humans are in tune, that they have a deep and meaningful connection that is sometimes forgotten. That is why it is crucial to work so that pets and other animals live and have well-being conditions.

According to the United States National Institute of Health, interacting with animals has been shown to decrease levels of cortisol (a stress-related hormone) and lower blood pressure. Other studies have found that animals can reduce loneliness, increase feelings of social support and improve your mood.

Here you can see the video:

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