The BEST ritual to open paths to abundance during the summer solstice 2024

The BEST ritual to open paths to abundance during the summer solstice 2024
The BEST ritual to open paths to abundance during the summer solstice 2024

He solstice of summer 2024 It’s the perfect time to do the better ritual that helps you open roads to the abundance. During this time, solar energy is at its highest, providing a powerful vibration that you can channel to your advantage. To make the most of this energy, it is important to prepare your space and mind to receive the blessings of the solstice.

The best time to do this ritual is during the dawn of solstice of summer. When you wake up, find a place outdoors where you can connect with nature and feel the energy of the sun. Carry with you a yellow candle, a citrine quartz and a bowl of water, elements that symbolize light, abundance and purification, respectively.

To start the rituallight the yellow candle while visualizing the sunlight opening roads to the abundance in your life. Then, hold the citrine quartz in your hands and close your eyes. Feel the energy of solstice flowing through you, filling every corner of your being with light and prosperity. Repeat the following affirmation: “My paths are open and full of opportunities.”

During this the better ritual, use the bowl of water to purify your environment. Sprinkle some water around your space as you imagine any blockages or negative energy dissolving. This act symbolizes cleansing and renewal, preparing you to receive all the good that is to come, so you can open the roads to the abundance during this solstice.

In conclusion, thank the sun for its energy and the universe for the blessings that are on the way. Extinguish the candle and place the citrine quartz in a special place where it can continue to radiate its positive energy. He solstice of summer 2024 It is a unique opportunity to connect with the energy of the sun and open new roads towards prosperity, and this ritual It’s perfect for this.

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