Putin issued another threat after his trip to North Korea: “We are going to continue developing the nuclear tria”

Putin issued another threat after his trip to North Korea: “We are going to continue developing the nuclear tria”
Putin issued another threat after his trip to North Korea: “We are going to continue developing the nuclear tria”

Putin says Russia will develop its nuclear arsenal

Vladimir Putin announced this Friday that Russia It will continue to improve its nuclear arsenal with the purpose of maintaining a deterrent element. This commitment was expressed during a ceremony in the Kremlin, in which graduates of military, police and intelligence services academies participated.

The head of the Kremlin emphasized the importance of the triad of atomic weapons, which is made up of nuclear missiles launched from land, sea and air. “We intend to further develop the nuclear triad as a guarantee of strategic deterrence and to preserve the balance of power in the world,” stated the Russian president.

He then provided more details about the changes in nuclear doctrine Russian, which could apply soon, as announced days ago during the economic forum held in St. Petersburg.

The current doctrine establishes that Russia can use nuclear weapons if it is a response to an attack of this nature or before a conventional offensive that poses an existential threat to the country. Since the start of the war in Ukraine and with the rise of tensions with the West, many military analysts in Moscow began to call for a reduction of this threshold, to guarantee greater security in the territory and dissuade enemies from any action.

However, in the last few hours, the Kremlin leader, returning from a tour that took him to North Korea and Vietnam, ruled out that modifications will be made in this area, precisely around the possibility of action in the form of a preventive attack.

“For now we do not need a preemptive strike because the enemy will inevitably be destroyed during a retaliatory attack“, he said during a press conference in Hanoi, in full confidence in his counterattack ability.

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks at a ceremony attended by graduates of military, police and intelligence academies, in Moscow, Russia, June 21, 2024. Sputnik/Mikhail Sinitsyn/Pool via REUTERS

Instead, he continued, changes could be expected in attempts by Western allies to “reduce the threshold of use” ​​of these weapons, which has become one of the great concerns of the international community in recent years. “We know that among Western experts ideas are being considered of certain types of nuclear weapons that could be used and that would not be something especially serious… It may not be serious but we are obliged to pay attention to that and we do it,” he explained.

Putin arrived this Tuesday at North Koreawhere he spent two days visiting his peer and ally Kim Jong-un. His time in the country was brief – and a milestone, since it had been 24 years since he had set foot in Pyongyang – although it was enough for Kim to deploy all available resources to honor and entertain him.

Surprisingly, the images did not take long to arrive, although always from the respective communication teams, who retouched all the material and tried to take care of even the smallest details. However, it was a new opportunity to learn a little more about this country that lives under almost total secrecy and to follow in the footsteps of the Kremlin leader.

The first thing that was reported was the landing of the presidential plane at the Pyongyang International Airport, where Kim, members of the dictatorship and an escort of guards who guarded Putin’s entire passage through a Red carpet.

Later in the day, the leaders showed up at the Kim Il Sung Squarename of the grandfather of the current leader and founder of the nation, where also They walked down a red carpet and they enjoyed the dancing of a group of children with vibrant colored balloons. Next, They rode in a classic Aurus convertible and, at its end, there took place a military parade between flags with Russian colors and traditional North Korean dances, in an unusual atmosphere of celebration.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, left, and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. (Kristina Kormilitsyna, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)

Among the decorations, it also stood out: a photo of Putin hanging next to one of Kim in front of the steps of this square, surrounded by more flags and garlands.

USA This Thursday he expressed his deep concern due to the threat of the Russian president Vladimir Putin to supply weapons to North Koreawarning that such a measure would “destabilize” the Korean peninsula.

Putin, during a visit to Pyongyang on Wednesday, signed a mutual defense pact with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, who pledged his country’s “full support” for the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

In a speech delivered Thursday in Vietnam, Putin said Moscow would not rule out sending weapons to Pyongyang, which he described as a response to the aid that the West provides to Ukraine. “The Westerners provide weapons to Ukraine and from then on they say they no longer control anything, and it doesn’t matter how they are used,” he said. “Well, we can also say that we have supplied something to someone and then we do not take responsibility for anything,” argued the Russian president.

The threat “is incredibly worrying”US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller told reporters.

“It would destabilize the Korean Peninsula, potentially, depending on the type of weapons, and could violate UN Security Council resolutions that Russia itself has supported.”Miller said.

Washington and its allies have previously accused North Korea of ​​supplying Russia with missiles and artillery that it has used to attack Ukraine.

Putin also warned Seoul this Thursday not to supply weapons to Ukraineafter South Korea said it was reconsidering its current ban.

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