scrolling addiction harms the brain

scrolling addiction harms the brain
scrolling addiction harms the brain

The addiction and dopamine generated by scrolling

The use of the Internet is internalized in a wide swath of the population.

Scrolling is bad for the brain

Various studies conclude that the reward-behavior cycle of scrolling keeps us hooked, making it difficult to look away from the screen. The more time we spend scrolling, the more dopamine is released in our brain. This can lead to an addiction similar to that which occurs with drugs or gambling, and it is especially harmful for adolescents, whose brain development is at a vulnerable time.

Although it is necessary to see a mental health professional to establish a diagnosis, there are general symptoms of scrolling addiction that include:

– Difficulty controlling the time spent in front of the screen.

– Feeling anxious or irritable when you cannot use your cell phone or tablet.

– Neglecting other important responsibilities or activities.

– Feeling empty or bored when you are not using the device with the internet.

Repetitive scrolling can also have another negative impact: by constantly being exposed to new stimuli, our brain becomes less able to focus on a single task for an extended period of time. This can affect our performance at work, in studies, and in our personal relationships.

What can we do?

If we are concerned the impact of scrolling and we believe that we show some addictive behaviorthere are some things that can be done to reduce your consumption, such as setting a timer on your phone to limit the time we spend on social networks and other applications.

We can also turn off notifications to avoid distractions and eliminate applications that we find particularly addictive. Experts advise looking for alternative activities that allow us to relax and disconnect from the screen, such as reading, exercising or spending time with friends and family.

Mental health is as or more important than physical health. If you feel like mindless scrolling on apps is negatively affecting your life, seek professional help.

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