Peruvians will no longer be undocumented in the United States: Joe Biden’s government launches a program to seek residency

Peruvians will no longer be undocumented in the United States: Joe Biden’s government launches a program to seek residency
Peruvians will no longer be undocumented in the United States: Joe Biden’s government launches a program to seek residency

Parole In Place is a program of President Joe Biden. (Photo: Composition)

This week a door of hope opened for millions undocumented aliens who live in the USA. Known as Parole in place (PIP), this program presented by the government of President Joe Biden seeks to legalize people who migrated irregularly to the country and are seeking residency. Will this project also benefit Peruvian migrants? What does it consist of?

It is worth mentioning that Parole In Place or Current Conditional Release It is a permit for which undocumented immigrants must apply and whose granting is discretionary. To be part of this program, immigrants must submit an application, which will be evaluated by the United States authorities according to established parameters.

“Once the application is approved and they obtain parole in place, immigrants will only be able to process the work permit and, in parallel, they will be able to apply for residency within a period of three years,” says Antoinette Carrillo Durand, a lawyer specialized in immigration laws of the USAin an interview with Agencia Andina.

Migrants who crossed the Rio Grande (or Grande) from Mexico to the United States. (AP Photo/Eric Gay, File)

The announcement was made officially by the government of the USA last Tuesday, June 18, and will allow the legalization of more than half a million migrants living in that country without legal status. “The people who will benefit from this measure are those married to American citizens (before June 17, 2024) and who have also lived in the United States for at least 10 years,” adds Carrillo Durand.

Likewise, the minor children of these couples will also be included in this program, protecting them from deportation. Likewise, students or so-called ‘dreamers’ will benefit, who must have graduated from institutions protected or recognized by the United States.

According to the specialist, with this benefit, migrants will be able to access a legal job offer, with a US employer. “This is very good because with this work permit, they will be with a legal status and later the same employer can ask them to become residents.”

Parole In Place is a program of President Joe Biden. (Photo: Composition)

According to lawyer Antoinette Carrillo, this immigration measure does not distinguish between nationalitiessince it only focuses on those who meet the requirements, in addition to not having a criminal or criminal record.

“The person must be eligible. That is, he must not have a criminal record, not be a risk to national security, nor have committed fraud. In addition to meeting the positive requirements, he must be admissible,” highlighted Antoinette Carrillo.

Along these lines, the specialist commented that thousands of illegal people in the United States are interested in achieving this new legal status, including many Peruvians. “At the moment, The US has a very large colony of Dominicans and Venezuelans, as well as Peruvians. This rule will benefit all nationalities. A change of this nature has not been seen since, more or less, 1997″, she remarked.

On the other hand, the lawyer regretted that there is a lot of misinformation regarding issues of immigration regularization, in addition to the little interest among Peruvians who stay illegally to formalize themselves. “The majority stay and don’t worry about the papers. So they don’t get good advice, they don’t know if perhaps there is a law that could benefit them or how they can get to residency,” said Carrillo Durand.

“Many people also don’t know that, as residents, they can ask for their unmarried children. It is a process that takes a few years, but it is achieved […] This new executive order will allow you to file your paperwork within the United States without leaving. [del país]”It is a great benefit that they should not lose,” added the expert.

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