33 Greco-Roman tombs discovered in southern Egypt

33 Greco-Roman tombs discovered in southern Egypt
33 Greco-Roman tombs discovered in southern Egypt

In a statement, Mohamed Ismail Khaled, secretary general of the organization, explained that some tombs contain parts of mummies and remains of funerary tools.

The discovery provides valuable information about that period and the diseases of the time, he noted.

According to the CSA, among the mummified bodies were an adult, probably a woman, and a girl of one or two years old, who were buried together.

He explained that additional analyzes will be carried out to understand the relationship between the two bodies.

Additionally, many mummified remains were detected inside the tombs along with painted terracotta figures, wooden tables and coffins.

The data suggests that the middle class citizens of Elephantine Island, located in the course of the Nile River, in the Aswan area, were buried in this part of the necropolis, while the upper parts of it seem to be reserved for the most rich, estimated Abdel-Moneim, general supervisor of antiquities in the area.

Patrizia Piacentini, professor of Egyptology at the University of Milan and director of the mission on the Italian side, explained that the anthropological study included as complete a biological profile as possible, including sex diagnosis, estimated age of death and any pathological signs. or traumatological.

The team found that some people suffered from infectious diseases or metabolic disorders, he said.


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