What is the food that is full of protein and we should all eat in winter

Although low temperatures have already been felt for a few weeks, winter began last Friday. With the arrival of the coldest season of the year comes flu illnesses, warm people and hot meals. Therefore, experts recommend a food that you should consume that is full of protein and that we should all eat to avoid any type of disease and have a strong immune system.

There are certain foods that are ideal for some seasons; In this case it is the winter; where the most important thing is to choose dishes that are hot and serve to warm the body, avoiding the cold. This will also be key to avoiding diseases such as colds, which are very common and affect a large part of the population. On this occasion, it is a food that has everything the body needs to be strong during these months of low temperatures.

How to have a good winter. Source Unsplash

He food The one that experts recommend consuming during the winter and that is full of protein is the mussel and this is because Chile is the main exporter in the world and only 5% of the production is consumed within the country. Under the ‘Hay Choritos’ campaign, the main objective is to position the Chilean mussel as an important source of protein.

According to nutritional studies, the mussel Chilean is very nutritious, they contain proteins and will provide essential minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium and other corresponding vitamins such as B, E, A, D and C. At the same time, it has good quality fats such as omega 3, which will provide a lot of quality. At the same time, this food has a protein contribution and will provide cardiovascular benefits.

Mussels are the best food for winter. Source iStock

This food It is a very nutritious and healthy option that you should add to your diet; where it will not only be due to the low fat content but also due to the protein contribution. It is recommended to consume 150 grams one to two times a week. The executive director of AmiChile, Rodrigo Carrasco, assured: “We are convinced that mussels are very nutritious and should be present in all diets.”

The mussel is rich in protein. Source iStock
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