ALBA-TCP commemorates the anniversary of the Battle of Carabobo in Venezuela

ALBA-TCP commemorates the anniversary of the Battle of Carabobo in Venezuela
ALBA-TCP commemorates the anniversary of the Battle of Carabobo in Venezuela

We celebrate together with the brother people of the Bolivarian Republic that “heroic and victorious feat that broke the chains of the Spanish empire,” expressed the regional integration mechanism through its account on the social network X.

The ALBA-TCP message quoted President Nicolás Maduro when he pointed out that the Liberators of 200 years ago understood what the leaders and people of Latin America and the Caribbean have to understand today.

“No one will be able to win their independence individually (…) Either we are all free, or no one is free,” he stressed.

On the digital platform itself, the head of state considered this Monday “the imposing Carabobo savanna as the scene of the most extraordinary military action in the history of the country.”

That combat of almost six hours, fought by El Libertador, “sealed national independence,” he noted.

He indicated that today, faced with a new challenge for the Homeland, the immortal harangue of Father Simón Bolívar reverberates throughout the country, calling us once again to fight and win.

The Venezuelan Minister for Defense, Vladimir Padrino, pointed out in another post that the Battle of Carabobo is the most notable feat of arms in this country and became the Day of the Bolivarian Army, the one that crossed its borders to give freedom to other peoples. , he claimed. “Today, that Army continues to fight battles in defense of the Homeland. The Army is the ARMY! ”He wrote.

He highlighted that on June 24, 1821, the genius of Simón Bolívar, together with the Liberating Army, “would defeat the Spanish in the Carabobo savanna, giving way to the liberating campaign in the south.”

The sectoral vice president of Sovereignty, Security and Peace stated that 203 years later, “that feat continues to be a beacon of light to defeat imperialism and its lackeys. Long live the Homeland!”


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