Anniversaries of June 25: what happened on a day like today?

Anniversaries of June 25: what happened on a day like today?
Anniversaries of June 25: what happened on a day like today?


The anniversaries of June 25 include various events that happened on a day like today, Tuesday when a new World Vitiligo Day.

The date is promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO) which with this day seeks to raise awareness about a disease whose origin is not yet known and which affects two percent of the world’s population.

It is a skin pathology: a pigmentation disorder which is not contagious, but is chronic. Its evolution cannot be predicted and results in the appearance of white spots on the skin due to the destruction of the cells that produce pigmentation, which are called melanocytes. This can occur at any stage of a person’s life, although it occurs with greater incidence between 10 and 30 years of age.

World Vitiligo Day is celebrated every June 25 Archive

Anniversaries: what happened on June 25 in history?

  • 1806 – British Brigadier General William Park Beresford disembarks with his troops on the beaches of the current Buenos Aires municipality of Quilmes, from where he heads to Buenos Aires in the first English invasion of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata. The invaders were expelled after 46 days of resistance.
  • 1852 – The Spanish architect Antoni Gaudí is born in Catalonia.
  • 1903 – British writer George Orwell, author of the outstanding works Rebelion on the farm and 1984among other.
  • 1947 – The first edition of the Ana Frank’s diarywith an original circulation of 3,000 copies,
  • 1961 – British comedian Ricky Gervais is born, stand-up comedian, screenwriter and creator of the popular series The Officeamong others.

  • 1962 – Ricardo Iorio, Argentine bassist and singer, former leader of the band Almafuerte, is born.
  • 1963 – Singer Georgios Panayiotou, better known as George Michael, is born.

  • 1984 – French philosopher Michel Foucault dies.
  • 1986 – Attack against the tourist train between Cuzco and Machu Picchu, in Peru. An explosive charge in a train car leaves 8 dead and 35 injured.
  • 1997 – Jacques-Ives Cousteau, French oceanographer, dies.
  • 2009 – American actress Farrah Fawcett, beauty icon of the 70s, dies.
  • 2009 – Singer Michael Jackson, considered the “King of Pop” during the 80s and 90s, dies.

  • 2015 – Argentine businessman Alejandro Romay, prominent theater and television producer and director, dies. He was the founder of Channel 9.
  • 2015 – Don Diego Maradona, father of Diego Armando Maradona, dies.
  • 2019 – Isabel “la Coca” Sarli, Argentine actress and vedette, dies. Among her memorable phrases is: “What do you want from me?”

  • Seafarers’ Day is celebrated around the world. It is promoted by the International Maritime Organization.
  • World Anti-Bullfighting Day is celebrated, a Spanish practice disapproved of by many people due to the violence exerted against bulls.
  • World Vitiligo Day is celebrated. An initiative proposed by the World Health Organization.


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