He is dedicated to neurorehabilitation of older adults and gives 5 easy tips to train the brain

He is dedicated to neurorehabilitation of older adults and gives 5 easy tips to train the brain
He is dedicated to neurorehabilitation of older adults and gives 5 easy tips to train the brain

We know that physical exercise, along with other guidelines for a healthy life, is essential for health. However, little is spoken of other types of exercises: cognitive ones. Are they really effective in preserving mental health? What can we do to maintain that precious asset that is memory?

Graduate Natalia Ito, Occupational Therapist at the Hirsch Center, specialized in geriatrics and neurorehabilitation, provides a series of tips both to promote memory, as well as to train it and help cognitive aging. be delayed.

In this direction, he gives a series of tips that can be put into practice today.

1- Small everyday “memory aids”

Ito offers a series of very simple possibilities for those people who need help when it comes to remembering issues related to the daily life.

In this sense, it proposes acquiring objects intended for this purpose, as well as alarms and tools that organize people’s lives. First of all, it proposes to use large almanacswith the aim of recording dates there that are important to the person, as well as shifts, appointments and things they have to do.

“Also help with post it and cell phone alarms for taking medication,” he adds. It is also important maintain an order through which everyday elements are always in the same place, as well as the possibility of labeling objects and things, will help their quick identification.

2- From the supermarket list to a new language

Recently, in an interview published in ClarionJorge Medina, renowned doctor of Medicine, researcher at CONICET and the ITBA Bioengineering Laboratory, was asked what prevention guidelines They are more effective in taking care of memory.

“What would you say to anyone who passed 70? Eat well, sleep well, read a lot, play cards, games (in the US they play bridge). He reading speeds up a lot, because when reading you use a lot of memory, you have to remember what happened in previous paragraphs. It is very good to read,” he emphasized.

The importance of playing: board games, or digital versions. Photo Shutterstock.

Ito agrees: “Learn something new, like a language, songs or read books. Also dancing, which combines motor processing and coordination skills,” he adds.

Now, domestic, everyday life, provides several opportunities that can be taken advantage of, without the need to embark on a new language course, or in dance, reading or writing workshops.

“Getting involved in everyday chores, such as putting together the supermarket list“, proposes the geriatrics specialist.

Meetings with peers, such as retirement clubs, are very useful to keep the mind exercised. Photo Shutterstock.

Another thing that can help is, at the end of the day, review details of what happened: what was eaten at each meal, what activities were carried out or the content of the conversations that were held. “If you watched the news, remember the highlights”; she proposes.

Furthermore, it highlights the recommendation of maintain an orderly routine, that respects schedules for certain issues: “Get up at a certain time, breakfast, lunch, nap, snack, dinner, if there are work or leisure activities, and rest; “Everyone must maintain a balance.”

3- Good nutrition, exercise and rest

The professional points out the guidelines that are generally provided with the aim of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and strengthen immunity.

Therefore, it is advisable to maintain a balanced daily routinewith an adequate diet with good hydration, physical activity and good rest.

Meetings with family, friends or peers; They are key. Photo Shutterstock.

In a note published in Clarín, nutritionist Natalia Antar pointed out: “Scientific evidence suggests that certain nutrients, foods and dietary patterns are associated with a better brain health and functionand can be used as a tool to improve cognitive abilities, maintain the proper functioning of neurons and repair or prevent brain damage.”

Regarding how this impact is produced, the professional explained: “There are studies that indicate that diet influences in neurotransmitter levels, which impacts brain health. Thus, dietary manipulation can cause imbalances in the levels of neurotransmitters, affecting the synapses and predisposing pathologies such as depression, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, attention, memory or learning problems,” he warned.

For this reason, he pointed out that one of the most recommended diets regarding its impact on cognitive health is the Mediterranean diet, promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO) for its protective effects.

“Studies have confirmed that the benefits of this diet are due to its low sugar contentto its moderate amount of protein and fish, while it is rich in vegetables and fresh fruit and prioritizes the use of healthy fats (such as olive oil), with minimally processed foods, without forgetting the consumption of legumes and cereals,” he detailed. Antar.

4- Be with others

Isolation seems to be the main enemy of memory. Ito proposes the following advice, which includes both people who have friends, family, or a linking network; like those who don’t:

  • Participate in peer meetings in clubs or retirement centers.
  • Go out with friends and family.
  • Play table games and also games on electronic devices.
  • encourage learn something new.
  • Do activities that give you pleasurealthough they cannot develop it as they wish.

5- Cognitive impairment: how to support

Finally, it refers not only to people who want to take care of their memory, but also to those who have to accompany someone who is going through a process with signs that there are cognitive failures.

First of all, recommend consult with a doctor clinician or gerontologist, to evaluate the need to perform some studies and determine if there is something organic that is affecting memory.

But he also advises not to draw attention to the episodes in which these failures manifest themselves. “One has to avoid exposing the failure they are having, so as not to increase the frustration of the older person. Avoid arguments if, for example, you forgot the keys in the door,” she closes.

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