A powerful earthquake of magnitude 7 shakes the Peruvian region of Arequipa

A powerful earthquake of magnitude 7 shakes the Peruvian region of Arequipa
A powerful earthquake of magnitude 7 shakes the Peruvian region of Arequipa

A earthquake A magnitude 7 earthquake shook southern Mexico early Friday morning. Peruwith epicenter in the region of Arequipawhose capital of the same name is the second most populated city in the country.

According to the report of the Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP) the Earth movement It occurred at a depth of 42 kilometers and with an epicenter 54 kilometers southwest of the coastal district of Yauca, where two earthquakes of magnitude 5.7 and 5.0 occurred last Saturday.

Shortly after, the Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of the Navy of the Peru issued an alert for tsunami for the area due to shaking.

He earthquake It occurred at a depth of 42 kilometers and with an epicenter 54 kilometers southwest of the coastal district of Yauca, where two other earthquakes of magnitude 5.7 and 5 occurred last Saturday.

It had an intensity of VI on the Mercalli scale, which means that it was perceived as “strong” by the inhabitants of the area.

It was also felt, although in a noticeably lighter way in Lima, where a third of Peruvians live.

In light of this situation, the Presidency issued a message on the social network X, in which it reported that the Executive, together with the National Institute of Civil Defense and the responsible ministries, are “carrying out the corresponding monitoring to assess the damage and determine the actions to be taken.”

Peru It is located in a region known as the Pacific Ring of Fire, where more than 80% of the world’s seismic activity occurs.

Latest earthquake devastating in the country occurred in front of the coastal city of Pisco in August 2007, when a movement of magnitude 7.9 It hit that town and the entire southern region of Ica, with a death toll of more than 500, as well as million-dollar losses in infrastructure and homes.

Video: An earthquake in several regions of Peru

Efe, Youtube.

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