Radio Havana Cuba | Argentine university front begins day of protest

Radio Havana Cuba | Argentine university front begins day of protest
Radio Havana Cuba | Argentine university front begins day of protest

Photo taken from Prensa Latina

Havana, June 25 (RHC) The Trade Union Front of National Universities of Argentina will begin today a 72-hour day of struggle to demand a salary improvement and denounce the policies of the Government of Javier Milei.

As in previous weeks, members of the Federation of University Teachers (Conadu), the Historical Conadu, the Confederation of Education Workers and other organizations will carry out protest actions and initiatives to make their claims visible, among which is a mobilization in front of the Pizzurno Palace, headquarters of the sector’s secretariat in this capital.

This concentration is scheduled for 12:00, local time, and during it the professionals will denounce the lack of response from the Executive and a loss of purchasing power of more than 40 percent.

Without decent salaries and with 60 percent of teachers below the poverty line, no public university is possible, a joint statement states.

It also calls for the holding of free collective bargaining negotiations (negotiations between employers and workers).

The national university conflict remains open due to the Government’s decision to increase only 10 percent of the budget, corresponding to operating expenses, and freeze the remaining 90 percent, which includes the salaries of those of us who work, the text adds.

On the other hand, the Front described the last strike called as positive and highlighted the support of society.

In addition, she blamed Human Capital Minister Sandra Pettovello for the lack of attention to the sector and for the irregularities in the distribution of food destined for soup kitchens. (Source: Prensa Latina)

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