A divine sign? The bride’s dress catches fire in the middle of the ceremony: this happened

A divine sign? The bride’s dress catches fire in the middle of the ceremony: this happened
A divine sign? The bride’s dress catches fire in the middle of the ceremony: this happened

A footage posted by the content creator and artist known as Bailey ArtStudios went viral on TikTok, who showed her followers a distressing moment she experienced in the middle of her work, where a bride’s dress caught fire.

The woman who was hired to paint a portrait of a couple on their wedding day. Because of this, the painter recorded a video that would allow her to have all the details of the special day and in the middle of her work she noticed that the guests were somewhat tense.

Then, he realized that the train of the bride’s dress was on fire: “I was filming this to get content for my ‘Timelapse’ of the painting and then I ran to grab a jug of water once the flames didn’t stop. “I was literally shaking for an hour.”

In the comments, the artist explained that the fire could have started because there was burning candles and a was being launched paper confetti flammable, which could have caused the small fire and fallen on the bride’s dress.

The bride’s experience: ‘My dress and veil were on fire’

The newlywed, named Lupe Quijano, told ‘Newsweek’ that she realized what was happening when she saw her best friend’s expression: “I looked back and saw my friend running towards me and then I saw that my dress and veil were on fire.”

Despite this, the woman was able to remain calm because among her guests were seven soldiers and a firefighter, so there were enough people who were trained to understand this type of emergency: “I had a lot of trust in everyone around me.”

“The irony is that I had just taken my vows, which included a line about fire.”which read as follows: “I promise to love you until they put out my fire. Seconds later was when the fire started,” explained Lupe Quijano.

Although the dress and veil were damaged, none of those present suffered any injuries or burns. When the fire was out, the bride expressed her gratitude to those who helped her: “I remember hearing my mother-in-law walking behind me saying: ‘I took off your veil, you’re fine. You’re fine, nothing’s wrong. Keep walking’”.

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