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Radio Havana Cuba | The president of Colombia is awarded the highest Palestinian decoration

Gustavo Petro

Bogotá, June 3 (RHC) The president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, today in this capital received the Great Necklace of the State of Palestine in recognition for his defense of the human rights of that people harassed by Israel.

The highest decoration awarded by that country was placed on the chest of the South American president by Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad Al-Malki, on behalf of his people and President Mahmoud Abbas, in a ceremony held at the Casa de Nariño.

He said during the event that, in moments when civilization is in question, where what is at stake is humanity itself, the defense carried out by the Colombian leader has become the voice of hope and life itself.

“On behalf of the more than fourteen million Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank, Jerusalem, in Israel itself and in the diaspora. In the name of your heroes, martyrs, your ancestors, your elderly, your children, your widows, your orphans and, above all, in the name of the Palestinian motherland, I want to say thank you,” he stated.

He also considered that Petro is writing his name and the name of every Colombian in history, but not just any history, but that written by humanity and brave peoples.

The president of Colombia, for his part, thanked the decoration and declared that it is the most valuable of those he has received because of what it means in the history of the world and in the history of the resistance.

The bombs in Gaza are not fired by simple Israeli soldiers, it is an enormous capital in the centralized, coordinated world, which influences large governments, he considered.

Next, he asserted that Nazi doctrines gain supremacy, ascend through financial capital and manage to lead the United States government, even one that calls itself a Democrat with progressive currents.

However, he lamented, the youthful, black, Arab, diverse and Latino progressivism that exists there does not manage to change the will of the state that continues to help fire the bombs.

In his opinion, a similar scenario occurs in Europe, where after so many workers’ struggles and socialist and democratic revolutions and after so many barricades erected in the big cities, Europe itself surrenders to the Nazis.

The young people who come out everywhere in defense of Palestine is a genuine expression of a new humanity, one that if it survives will build a different world, much more rooted in wisdom and knowledge, he said.

The first battle in the history of humanity is being fought in Gaza, and it must be won, he declared. (Source: Prensa Latina)

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