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What is the origin of my cat? | News today

Several studies have been carried out to determine the origin of cats and the year in which the first domesticated feline was recorded.

Photo: Unplash

For many people, the origin and history of felines is a complete mystery. Therefore, from La Red Zoocial we tell you about the past of these furry animals that could even help you understand the reasoning behind certain behaviors, along with the reason for certain instincts.

In this regard, Purina, a brand specialized in pet food and well-being, explained that it is believed that all modern cat species come from a single ancestor: the Middle Eastern wildcat (Felis Sylvestris).

For their part, researchers based this theory on the similarity of their structures bony with the majority of furries that exist today. However, more evidence for the origin of cats emerged when a study published in 2007 analyzed the DNA of different wildcats from various regions and compared them with that of domestic cats.

As a result, it was obtained that the African Wildcat DNA is related to breed, as well as with mestizos, which adds strength to the theory of common ancestry.

Likewise, various studies have found that although it is difficult to determine when cats were first domesticated, It was not until 1938 that there was the first sign of training. Well, until then a cat’s jaw was located in Cyprus, during an archaeological excavation.

Thus, it was estimated that domestication had occurred approximately 8,000 years. Furthermore, it is believed that this cat must have been trained because the only way such an animal could having arrived on the island was on a boat with humans, and it was incredibly unlikely that they would have taken completely feral cats with them.

Later research in 2004 further delayed the origin of cats, as according to the Smithsonian Institution, a cat was found purposely buried with a human, and the burial is estimated It took place 9,500 years ago.

Later, in 2017, another study was carried out at the University of Leuven. This research analyzed the DNA of 200 cats found at archaeological sites in the Middle East, Africa and Europe. The ages of these discoveries ranged between 100 and 9,000 years.and some suggested that they were up to 12,000 years old.

The Smithsonian Institution also stated that some researchers believe that the initial domestication process began with early settlements. agriculture about 12,000 years ago in the Middle Eastand that it is likely that the history of cats, as they are known today, comes from there.

Historians hypothesize that as people began to grow crops and use grain stores, this attracted mice and rats, and with the abundance of prey came wild cats. It is likely that people recognized the great benefits of pest control, so they allowed these cats to stay, which gradually led them to live in their homes and become their companions.

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