Avant-garde territories at the Reina Sofía Museum | EL PAÍS + for subscribers

Avant-garde territories at the Reina Sofía Museum | EL PAÍS + for subscribers
Avant-garde territories at the Reina Sofía Museum | EL PAÍS + for subscribers

As a subscriber, we offer you the opportunity to discover part of the permanent collection of the Reina Sofía Museum through the tour Avant-garde territories: city, architecture and magazines, which takes place on the second floor of the Sabatini Building. Enter our contest and get a double invitation to attend an exclusive guided tour, which will take place on Friday, June 14 behind closed doors.

Avant-garde territories: city, architecture and magazines It places the visitor at the beginning of the 20th century, a time when cities like Paris, Madrid and Barcelona grew and modernized through urban planning and architecture, generating important social and cultural changes. Thus, the most recent art leaves official spaces behind and seeks different forms of dissemination and communication, such as galleries, small exhibitions, publications and magazines, new areas of encounter and discussion that characterize modernity.

On this tour you can enjoy works by artists such as Pablo Picasso, Ángeles Santos, Juan Gris or José Solana, among others.

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