This photograph manages to fool the jury of a contest

How many times have we heard stories about products made with Artificial Intelligence What replaces the work of artists? This is, sadly, an increasingly everyday situation: advances in this type of tools have led to their use, especially regarding content creation it means.

However, human talent can sometimes be irreplaceable, and this is what a photographer recently wanted to demonstrate. has challenged the world’s perception of AI-produced images. The outcome of this story has caused all kinds of reactions.

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In honor of one of today’s most popular digital toolsthe 1839 Awards international photography competition contains an Artificial Intelligence category, where nature photographer Miles Astray decided to send one of his real images: the portrait of a flamingo that hides its head between its wings.

Naked eye, The capture has all the keys to be an image generated by AI: spectacularity and some anomaly, in this case one that we can see quickly, the protagonist of the photograph has no neck or head. However, this anomaly is nothing more than a visual effect created by the angle from which the photo is taken, and not a product of AI.

To the surprise of its author, the image titled “FLAMINGONE”, taken on the Caribbean island of Aruba, won third place in its category and also the popular vote award. There was only one problem: the photograph did not meet the contest rules simply because it was real.

After this event, and analyzing its moral implicationsAstray had no choice but to confess his deception to the contest organizers, and the photograph was disqualified. However, the author received a message from the contest director, Lily Fierman, who indicated that despite having had to choose a new winner, I appreciated the powerful message. that this event sends to the world.

As Astray indicates on his own website, where he has given explanations of this whole matter, Their intention was to “prove that human-created content is still just as relevant.” as an interpretation of nature”.

The jury of the competition includes famous members of The New York Times newspaper, the Getty Images photography agency, or art specialists from Christie’s, leading companies in this sector.

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The flamingo is an unmistakable animal. Its pink plumage, curved beak and the characteristic posture it adopts, balanced on one leg, make it, without a doubt, a most striking wading bird.


Flamingos in sleeping position.

But despite his peculiarity, Miles Astray I wasn’t trying to take photos of flamingos to fool the AI when he got this photograph that would later give so much to talk about. The author has confirmed that he captured the moment spontaneously.

And really, no matter how spectacular the image is, it is a relatively easy situation to find: Flamingos use their downward curved beak for multiple tasks, such as catching small mollusks and algae, or as this photo demonstrates, to scratch their bellies thanks to their long neck. They also adopt this curious position to sleep, although in this case instead of hide your head in your plumage it would rest on him carefully.

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Their habitat is saline waters like those of the island of Aruba, where Astray found them and captured them in a series of photographs that go beyond the one submitted to the contest. On his website he says that he had to get up very early to get an image where the animal appears alone, without people around. Another photograph from the same series has also recently won an award.

But as for the protagonist of this event, the headless flamenco, Fierman has indicated that he will use this event to, with the collaboration of the author, start an important and broader conversation about the use of Artificial Intelligence in content creation.

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