Editorial Planeta publishes a new edition of Maktub, by Paulo Coelho, the essential companion to the inspiring classic The Alchemist, full of timeless stories of reflection and rediscovery

Editorial Planeta publishes a new edition of Maktub, by Paulo Coelho, the essential companion to the inspiring classic The Alchemist, full of timeless stories of reflection and rediscovery
Editorial Planeta publishes a new edition of Maktub, by Paulo Coelho, the essential companion to the inspiring classic The Alchemist, full of timeless stories of reflection and rediscovery

Paulo Coelho is one of the most important and read authors in the world, with more than 320 million books sold in 170 countries.

An extraordinary collection of stories and parables that explore the mysteries of the human condition, by one of the most celebrated and acclaimed writers of our time.

This compilation of journalistic columns written by Coelho under the name Maktub, meaning “it is written,” invites readers on a journey of faith, self-reflection, and transformation. In the author’s own words: «Maktub “It is not a book of advice, but an exchange of experiences.”

Each story offers an illuminated path to view our lives and those of our fellow human beings around the world through a new prism, in search of universal truths. Coelho writes: «A man who seeks only the light and hands over all his responsibilities to others will never find enlightenment. “A man who keeps his eyes fixed only on the sun will end up blind.” These wise tales provide insight into talking snakes, old women climbing mountains, disciples questioning their teachers, conversations with Buddha, mysterious hermits, and many saints tackling the unknowns of the universe.

Following in the footsteps of his international bestsellers, this thoughtful collection of short, inspiring pieces will appeal to readers of all ages and backgrounds.

Publication date: 06/05/2024

Paulo Coelho

Born in Rio de Janeiro in 1947, he worked as a theater director and author, journalist and composer before dedicating himself to books. Since the publication of his first book, The Pilgrim of Compostela (Diary of a Magician), more than 320 million copies of his novels have been sold worldwide. Among his greatest successes is The Alchemist, considered the best-selling Brazilian book of all time. It has been published in more than 170 countries and translated into 88 languages.

Coelho has received notable international honors, including the Crystal Award from the World Economic Forum, the prestigious Chevalier de l’Ordre National de la Légion d’Honneur distinction from the French government, and the Galicia Gold Medal. Since 2002 he has been a member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters, and since 2007 he has served as a United Nations Messenger of Peace.


Author photo: © Niels Ackermann

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