6 books to become an expert on the European Union

Master International and Geopolitical Analyst

Explore the theoretical bases and main concepts of the European Union through these six books that will help you better understand its functioning, challenges, and the relevance of European Parliament elections.

The Oxford Handbook of the European Union

Author: Oxford Academic

Year of publication: 2012

Editorial: Oxford University Press


The Oxford Handbook of the European Union is a comprehensive work that explores the organization in its entirety. Edited by Erik Jones, Anand Menon and Stephen Weatherill, this handbook brings together a team of leading experts to offer an in-depth look at key aspects of European integration. Starting with its history from its beginnings to the present, political, economic and social factors are analyzed, along with their impact on the Member States and their citizens.

Through the study of his legislation and institutions, the manual concludes with an evaluation of the challenges facing the European Union, such as enlargement, the economic crisis and the rise of populism, problems that remain today. Thus, it is based on a complete review of all the key aspects necessary to better understand the pillars of this organization and the challenges and opportunities presented to it.

About the organization

Oxford Academic. It is an online platform linked to Oxford University Press, the oldest university press in the world, founded in 1478. For centuries it has been responsible for publishing some of the most important academic works, going digital in 2009, to form the Oxford Academic platform. . With constant growth, it currently collects more than 350 academic journals and 2 million online articles, covering a wide range of disciplines.

The platform allows users to use advanced search tools to explore articles by scientific area. Additionally, they can register and set up email alerts to receive notifications, save articles to their reading list, and share them with other researchers and students. It is a medium with high academic prestige that offers quality information, becoming an essential resource for the academic world.

The international role of the European Union

Author: Francisco Aldecoa – Spanish Federal Council of the European Movement

Year of publication: 2021

Master Intelligence Analyst

Editorial: Waterfall


This book, produced in collaboration with the Spanish Federal Council of the European Movement (CFEME), offers an in-depth analysis of the role of the European Union on the global stage. This organization uses a series of instruments to carry out its foreign policy and thus be able to transmit its fundamental principles and values, such as democracy, the rule of law and human rights. The European Union has been consolidating itself as a global, economic, political, diplomatic, regulatory, security and defense actor throughout the decade. However, it still has structural limitations, especially in the foreign policy decision-making process.

With the imposition of sanctions, financial aid and development cooperation, the European Union is imposing itself in an increasingly changing international society. The continuous Chinese rise, climate change and globalization mark the general line of action in an increasingly interconnected international reality. Her future will depend on her ability to adapt to the environment around her and address challenges effectively.

About the Author

Francisco Aldecoa. Political scientist and Spanish professor of International Relations, he focuses his studies on European integration. Since 1994, he has held the Jean Monnet Chair of the European Commission on the European Political Model and its External Dimension. The scientific side of him that this analysis brings us is characterized by his federalist inspiration, becoming one of the leading academics in the study of the process of building the European Union. Currently, he is President of the Spanish Federal Council of the European Movement since 2018, and a member of the Board of the International European Movement since 2020.

Who will speak in European? The challenge of building a political union without a common language

Authors: Marta Domínguez Jiménez and Arman Basurto

Year of publication: 2021

Editorial: intellectual key


The European Union is characterized by its linguistic diversity, with 24 official languages ​​and more than 60 languages ​​spoken in its territory. This diversity, although it is an enriching element, also represents a challenge for political integration, since it makes communication between citizens and European institutions difficult. However, the English It has emerged as the dominant language in European institutions, which has generated debates about the implications of this situation for other official languages ​​and linguistic minorities.

The authors of the book analyze the different proposals to address this challenge in the institution, which include the promotion of multilingualism, the promotion of minority languages ​​and the development of translation tools. It is based on an approach to European identity and the role that language plays in the construction of a shared political community.

About the authors

Marta Dominguez. Spanish economic analyst. Currently, she participates in the PhD-track MPhil program of the Center for Monetary and Financial Studies (CEMFI), with the support of the María de Maeztu Units of Excellence program. Besides. For two years she held the position of research analyst at the Bruegel think tank, where she focused her work on monetary policy, financial systems, international trade and capital flows. She has publications in academic journals and in reports from the European Parliament and the European Commission.

Arman Basurto. Political advisor to the European Parliament. Previously, he has worked at the European Securities and Markets Authority and as legal advisor in the Spanish Parliament. His main areas of expertise are banking and financial regulation, European Union policy-making and parliamentary affairs, with a master’s thesis on parliamentary control of the Central Bank’s supervisory tasks within the Eurozone.

Political system of the European Union

Authors: Simon Hix and Bjorn Hoyland

Year of publication: 2023 (4th edition)

Editorial: Mcgraw-Hill Interamericana de España


With its 4th edition since 1999, this manuscript is part of one of the most influential books on European Union politics. It offers clear, simple and innovative explanations about the functioning of the organization’s main institutions, processes and policies. The authors provide a dynamic perspective of the political and institutional game that characterizes the European Union.

Through a detailed analysis of the interactions between the European Commission, the European Council, the Court of Justice, political parties, public opinion and interest groups, who come together as the main actors in the political process. In the latest editions it incorporates updates on the latest events of the organization, offering a complete and approximate reality.

About the authors

Simon Hix. British political scientist. Currently, he holds the Stein Rokkan Chair in Comparative Politics at the European University Institute in Florence. He specializes in the area of ​​comparative European political behavior and institutions, parties and electoral systems and the design of democracy. His work has received numerous international recognitions, including the Samuel Beer Award from the American Political Science Association.

Bjorn Hoyland. Professor of political science at the University of Oslo. His research field focuses on legislative policy, applied political methodology and computational social sciences, focusing on the European Union. Since August 2020, he has been working on the Research Council of Norway’s “Strategy for Recorded Voting in the European Parliament (StREP)” project to uncover the strategic game behind requests for roll-call votes.

A pike in Flanders: Spain’s footprint in the European Union

Author: Javier Elorza

Year of publication: 2023

Editorial: Debate


Javier Elorza opens the door to the European offices in this personal chronicle where he narrates his journey as member of the permanent representation of Spain in Europe from 1986 to 2004. As an actor and witness, he recounts Spain’s role in the European Union since its accession, as well as the economic and social boost that this institution has provided for the country. The author makes us participate in the balances of force, the variable pacts, secret agreements and the national interests that occur within the organization.

In addition, it is completed with stories and anecdotes about figures who have shaped the idea of ​​Europe in the last forty years, such as Giscard d’Estaing, Jacques Chirac, Gerhard Schröder, John Major, Francisco Fernández Ordoñez, etc.. A recommended read to get to know the European Union from a more personal and close perspective.

About the Author

Javier Elorza. Spanish diplomat. Graduated in Law with an extraordinary award, he entered the diplomatic career in September 1971. He was appointed head of the Economic and Commercial Office of the Spanish Embassy in Rabat during the Green March and was present in the negotiations of the Treaties of Maastricht and Amsterdam, as well as Spain’s accession to the Schengen agreements. After his retirement, he was appointed advisor to the European Commission, becoming one of the most prominent voices in our country.

The European Union towards strategic autonomy

Author: Spanish Institute of Strategic Studies

Year of publication: 2022

Editorial: Ministry of Defence. Technical General Secretariat


The European Union faces an increasingly complex and challenging international environment, marked by the rise of China, strategic competition with Russia and uncertainty in the United States. Thus, the book traces the trajectory of the concept of strategic autonomy, while showing us the main challenges that the institution faces in obtaining it, such as the lack of common military capabilities, dependence on third countries in key sectors and divisions between Member States. .

This research includes interviews with experts, analysis of official documents and academic studies. So different tools and policies are proposed that the European Union can implement to reinforce its strategic autonomy. The war in Ukraine has highlighted the need to unite the military capabilities of the Member States to obtain the ability to prevent conflicts, protect their security, defend their values ​​and promote their economic interests.

About the organization

Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies (IEEE). It is a research center made up of military and civilian analysts, integrated into the Higher Center for National Defense Studies (CESEDEN). Having a complete, objective and updated information network is essential for the development of security in a country, which is why its purpose is to advise the authorities of the Ministry of Defense on this matter. In addition, it contributes to keeping the population informed about the preservation of their freedoms, well-being and the rule of law.

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