The war between AMLO and Anabel Hernández rises in tone on the list of best-selling books on Amazon Mexico

The war between AMLO and Anabel Hernández rises in tone on the list of best-selling books on Amazon Mexico
The war between AMLO and Anabel Hernández rises in tone on the list of best-selling books on Amazon Mexico

Amazon has become a great ally of Mexican readers when choosing books. (Infobae/Jovani Pérez)

There have been several titles that experts have named as “best selling books in history”, such as The Bible or Don Quixote of La Mancha, however, the book has been created for several centuries and there were not always ways to measure which were the most popular works –like Amazon does now– coupled with the level of illiteracy of the time.

There is a long debate among historians about which was the first book in history: whether the first writings in clay, bones or wax and wood tablets from Mesopotamia; the papyrus scroll in Alexandria; those made with bamboo and silk in ancient China or the codices, the truth is that this object has accompanied human beings throughout their lives and, like man, has evolved.

And after the invention of the printing press with movable type in 1440 by the hand of Johannes Gutenbergpassing through bookstores, the increase in literacy, the arrival of the internet and with it the digitization of content, now one of the really big challenges is the amount of texts available to read.

With this, technology has facilitated the way to measure the popularity of literary pieces, one of them is the ranking offered by the Amazon platforma list that works as a snapshot of society by capturing what readers are “devouring” at a certain time.

1. Thank you!

Author: Andrés Manuel López Obrador

2. The secret history

Author: Anabel Hernandez

3. Atomic Habits

Author:James Clear

4. Dynasties: Two families, one nation

Author: Ramon Alberto Garza

5. Man in search of meaning

Author: Viktor E. Frankl

6. The Midnight Library

Author: Matt Haig

7. Transform the wounds of your childhood: Rejection, abandonment, humiliation, betrayal, injustice

Author: Anamar Orihuela

8. The Little Prince

Author: Antonie De Saint-Exupéry

9. Meditations

Author: Marcus Aurelius

10. Heartstopper 5

Author: Alice Oseman

*Note: Some books may not have an author because the platform does not provide it.

For buy books on Amazon All you have to do is have an account on said platform and then type the title of the work in the search engine and then click on “buy”. You can add more than one item to your cart and checkout later.

Reading the newspaper is one of the few reading habits in the country. (BERNANDINO HERNÁNDEZ /CUARTOSCURO.COM)

The percentage of the reading population in Mexico was located at 68.5%, that is, 3.4 specimens per year, being the lowest level since the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi) began carrying out the Reading Module (MOLEC) in 2016.

According to the statistics, released in the 2023 edition, it is observed that the reading population aged 18 and over decreased 3.3 percentage points compared to 2022. Compared to the first measurement in 2016, which has also recorded the highest figure with 80.8%, last year readership went down 12.3 percent.

By sex, this year men took the lead and read more (71.7%) compared to women (65.7%). The average time of a continuous reading session was 42 minutes.

Regarding age range, it was identified that the Mexican reading population decreases as age increases. In the younger groups (18 to 24 years old and 25 to 34 years old) the behavior of readers was similar: eight out of 10 people read, however, as age increased a gradual decrease could be seen, for example, Women aged 65 and over dropped to five readers out of every 10, while in the case of men it went down to six out of every 10.

Due to the type of reading material, the books They were the most read with 40.8%; followed by the Internet pages, forums or blogs, with 37.7%; On a third step are located the journals, with 23.6%; the newspaperswith 18.5% and the comic bookswith 6.1 percentage points.

When making a contrast between the type of material and the ages, it is clear that Internet pages are the favorites among the public between 18 and 34 years old; while books have greater support from the population over 35 years old, but especially among older adults 65 years old or older.

Regarding the reason that led the reading population to do this exercise, 44.6% answered that it was because entertainment; 26.5% indicated that it was due to work or studies; 19.2% indicated that they did it for general culture; 9.4% for religion and 0.3% for another reason.

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