Moaña Antiqua will host the presentation of the posthumous book of Manuel Uxío García

Moaña Antiqua will host the presentation of the posthumous book of Manuel Uxío García
Moaña Antiqua will host the presentation of the posthumous book of Manuel Uxío García

Moaña Antiqua will host the presentation of the posthumous book of Manuel Uxío García

The Moaña Antiqua medieval fair celebrates its ninth edition between June 28 and 30 and will start, at 8:00 p.m. on Friday the 28th, with an emotional presentation of the book “A ancient parish of San Martiño de Moaña. Chronicles in the Evolution of Fregresía”, posthumous work of the deceased official chronicler of the municipality Manuel Uxío García Barreiro. He wrote it with Xosé Carlos Villaverde and José Benito Rodríguez.

At 9:00 p.m. the proclamation will be given by representatives of the Municipal Music School, as this center is celebrating its 25th anniversary. The first night will feature a performance by the big bands of the school itself and the Cabildo of La Palma. The cultural group Salgharitas will also perform.

On Saturday, from 11:00 a.m., there will be activities. At noon the members of the Solaina folkloric collective will perform and in the afternoon there will be children’s activities, a horse joust at 7:30 p.m. by ADOC-Cabaleiros de Moaña, and street theater with Codia e Miolo. At night there will be concerts by Na Beira and Pelepau as well as a Celtic equestrian exhibition.

On Sunday, June 30, it will begin with a route through San Martiño with the A Illa dos Ratos Association at 10:30 am. At noon the Breogán group will perform and at 1:30 p.m. there will be the falconry show by Falcóns Galicia, who will perform again at 6:30 p.m. The event closes with the performance ‘Aí ven o afiador’, by the Legar Foundation headed by master bagpiper Xavier Blanco.

Throughout the historic center of San Martiño, during the weekend, there will be live craft stalls, a leisure area in the rectoral carballeira, different workshops for children and gastronomy with taverns and a pulpera.

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