The Culture and Books of the Treasury fair will be dedicated to La Selva

The Culture and Books of the Treasury fair will be dedicated to La Selva
The Culture and Books of the Treasury fair will be dedicated to La Selva

05:24 PM

This week, between Tuesday the 18th and Sunday the 23rdthe fourth edition of the Culture and Book Fair of the El Tesoro Commercial Park is celebrated.

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The theme and name of the fair will be La Selva, in commemoration of the 100 years of The Maelstromby José Eustasio Riveraone of the great works of Colombian literature, about the so-called ‘Rubber Fever’ in the Amazon, which led to a large-scale ethnocide, ‘the rubber holocaust’.

There will be bookstores, publishing houses, children’s programming, writing workshops, discussions and a room dedicated exclusively to the Serranía de Chiribiquete National Natural Park, which was sighted from a small plane by anthropologist Carlos Castaño Uribe, then director of the National Parks, after They had to detour to avoid a storm. Two years later, it was declared a protected area.

One of the most special guests of the fair is precisely Carlos Castaño Uribe, who will be talking to Rosana Arismendi about ancestral cultures on Saturday the 22nd at 7:00 pm.

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Between the guests Also included are the writers Juan Álvarez, Lorena Salazar, Sara Jaramillo, Velia Vidal, Mery Yolanda Sánchez and Esteban Duperly. The photographers Jorge Mario Múnera and Federico Ríos. The film director Daniela Abad, the editor Daniela Gómez, the producer David Trujillo, the journalist Mary Luz Vallejo, and the social communicator Andrea González, the La Bruja Riso workshop and more.

To see the complete schedule, go here.

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